Oksana Hordiichuk: «We give our graduates the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with their native Polytechnic»

Оксана Гордійчук

Development of cooperation with our graduates is one of the priority tasks of Lviv Polytechnic. Every year, the forms of this interaction become more diverse. Oksana Hordiichuk, manager of the Alumni Association Group, tells more how this process takes place at our University.

– The Alumni Association group works tirelessly to involve as many alumni as possible in the life of the University. We are forming a loyal graduate from the student bench. The group is emailing our graduating Bachelor’s and Master’s students to inform them of opportunities for further collaboration and support from the University.

It is really great when graduates come to the Department and share their life experience with the younger generation. Such meetings take place online (Alumni.Live project) and offline (series of meetings Ask an Alumni). They are mutually beneficial, as alumni help students understand their strengths and areas for development.

Feedback from alumni is very important to us. Currently, we look for graduates and invite them to join the meetings. We want them to be more engaged and have two-way communication. We continue to actively work to ensure that every graduate of Lviv Polytechnic has the opportunity to share his experience, says Oksana Hordiichuk.

Alumni meetings «All roads lead to alma mater» have already become a good tradition for our university.

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