On May 17, 2024, in partnership with the Diplomat's Club of Lviv Polytechnic National University, a meeting of the EU for YOU Euroclub was held within the framework of the EU Global Responsible Leadership for Climate Change, Environment and Humanitarian Aid (EU_LEAD) project with the support of the Jean Monnet ERASMUS+ in the Assembly Hall of the Main Building.
This time, the format of the Euroclub meeting was special, as it was held in the form of a living library on the topic: "EU Global Policy: Challenges and Opportunities".
The event was attended by three speakers, namely:
- Yuriy Tyshkun, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, with the topic: "The problem of EU subjectivity in global politics in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war".
- Oksana Mylyanyk, Environmental Sustainability Lead, SoftServe, legislative expert, Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine, who focused on the topic "Waste Management in Ukraine: EU best practices.
- Bohdan Mirinchyk, Ambassador of European Youth, Head of the Student Council of Lviv Polytechnic, spoke about "EU Global Leadership: The Role of the EU in Shaping a New International System."
During the Euro Club meeting, the speakers took turns sharing interesting and relevant information in three formed teams of international students of both bachelor's and master's programs. The format of the living library was extremely popular with the students, as they had the opportunity to learn more detailed information.
The event was attended by 22 international students. The team of the EU's Global Responsible Leadership for Climate Change, Environment and Humanitarian Aid (EU_LEAD) project would like to thank all the participants and speakers and continues to prepare other equally interesting events.
More information about the project is available on the website.