A meeting regarding the education of Ukrainian schoolchildren abroad was held at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Serhii Shkarlet, Minister of Education and Science, took part in the meeting.
The importance of teaching schoolchildren regardless of their location was emphasized at the event. Under nowadays conditions, the quality of distance learning, which requires appropriate training of teachers, becomes especially important.
«Internally displaced persons today influence the entire education system, the methodology, and the organization of the educational process. But what Lviv Polytechnic is doing today in terms of the formation of a state distance learning school, the implementation of the educational process on the entire territory of Ukraine with the involvement of even temporarily occupied territories, these are direct signs of the indomitability of Ukrainians», said Serhii Shkarlet.
He expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to the formation of the creative foundations of the educational process despite the bombing and enemy attacks, thus ensuring the involvement of every child in the educational process.
Those present drew attention to the importance of using remote technologies for the full-fledged work of the secondary school.
Over the past 5 years, the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, has developed and implemented a model of training the educational institution and teaching staff for the implementation of high-quality distance learning from zero to turnkey. The possibility of scaling this experience within the borders of Ukraine was emphasized in her speech by Marharyta Noskova, director of CIET.
«All the issues discussed today are extremely important. Many people went abroad, moved to the west of Ukraine, spread on the territory of Ukraine. And, probably, the secondary school suffers the most in this case, because it is about its teachers, children, about how to fix the education system in Ukraine. I am sure that the people present here, taking into account their experience and desire to work, will bring fresh ideas and changes to these processes», said Yurii Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic.
They also discussed a project created in the Lviv Region – the Ukrainian Distance Learning School.
Representatives of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, told about their activities. The long-term experience of IECDR cooperation with the Ukrainian diaspora will make it possible to keep children abroad engaged in the Ukrainian education. And cooperation of IECDR with distance learning schools of Ukraine will ensure the quality and systematicity of this work.
Lviv Regional Military Administration expressed its gratitude to Iryna Kliuchkovska, director of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University, for her active educational activity.
«I would ask the rector of Lviv Polytechnic together with the distance learning school, to lead a working group on the formation of synergy in the introduction of all those principles of unification of all our Ukrainians in the world. After all, today there are many Ukrainians in different countries. The whole world is full of Ukrainians not from good fortune, but from evil, and we cannot concentrate on every community. We must provide Ukrainian education to everyone who wants it. No child should be excluded from Ukrainian education. And I believe that in a certain synergy we will be able to form a one methodological center», concluded the meeting Serhii Shkarlet.
For more details, visit the website of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.