MedTech projects of University students are among the winners of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

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Recently, the Rotary Business Forum of Youth Entrepreneurship took place in Lviv. This year, it was dedicated to the activities of clusters and popularization of innovative projects. More than 100 people from Lviv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, Rivne, Kyiv, Lutsk, and Ivano-Frankivsk took part in the Forum. They were both experienced entrepreneurs and students who are ready to start their own business.

Within the Forum a competition for innovative projects was held with the support of the world community of Rotary International (District 2232 Ukraine), Kredobank, the Kredo Foundation, Lviv City Council, the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional Military Administration and the Lviv Regional Council. 14 creative youth teams presented their projects related to the defense industry, medicine, IT, light and food industry, education, and leisure. All submitted business ideas are worthy to be implemented and to receive the necessary investments and support from mentors-practitioners interested in the project implementation.

Among the winners of the competition there were also Lviv Polytechnic students. In particular, according to the collective decision of the competition board, Solomiia Kapatsila, a master’s student majoring in «Chemical technologies of food additives and cosmetic products» at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, received a cash prize for the project «Creation of a hemostatic bandage based on biopolymers» from the general sponsor of the competition – Credo Foundation.

Representatives of the Lviv Medical Business Cluster got interested in another development of Lviv Polytechnicians Vladyslav Rybak and Vadym Rak – the Healthy Calendar digital application. They invited our students to their meeting and offered further cooperation.

The participation of Lviv Polytechnic students in this competition of innovative projects took place on the initiative of Olena Lukachuk, an employee of the R&D Department of the University, coordinator of the priority MedTech direction of scientific research.

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