Among the many problems, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently facing in restoring naval capabilities of our country, are the creation and further development of a system for ships (vessels) measurement and protection and providing this system with qualified specialists. Taking into account its experience and work on the equipment for controlling the physical fields of ships of the past years, the Research and Design Institute for Electronic Measuring and Computer Techniques, Lviv Polytechnic, began cooperation with the military unit A1113 under the agreement in 2015.
As a result of this cooperation, in 2017–2018, the Research and Design Institute together with the RDS Department, ITRE, being funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, carried out applied research work «Development of the bases of portable means of measuring the magnetic and electric fields of vessels and bases of optical and radar monitoring of surface water conditions in the places of naval base». Methodical and consultative support in the implementation of this research in Lviv Polytechnic was carried out by B. Yakutovych and O. Kobzar, specialists of the Research Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine «State Oceanarium». At the end of this work, in October 2018, in the waters of Odesa Bay on Hetman Sahaidachny flagship there was successfully carried out preliminary field testing of an experimental sample of portable Vector-3 to measure the magnetic field of a ship, developed and manufactured at the Research and Design Institute for Electronic Measuring and Computer Techniques. Testing confirmed the basic technical parameters of three-component magnetometer Vector-3 and its suitability for measuring and controlling the magnetic field of warships.