Lviv Polytechnicians develop an application to improve and strengthen family relationships

Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic
Учасники проєкту

Students and academic staff of Lviv Polytechnic National University are developing an application called im2be, which will help people improve and strengthen family relationships.

“In today's world, children are increasingly moving away from their parents, the gap of misunderstanding is growing, so our goal is to provide families with a tool to build closer and warmer relationships. Parents will be able to set tasks for their children, for which they will receive rewards, and vice versa. They will also be able to get advice and tasks from the built-in assistant. All of this is presented in a gamified format to make the process attractive and interesting”, describe the project the team members.

At the Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic, we had the opportunity to talk to the project team and clarify the details of work, friendship, and future plans.

- How did you meet?

- Most of the team are groupmates of the same major, so we have known each other for more than 2 years, which was our advantage and made cooperation easier. The other students who joined a little later are good friends whom we knew we could count on and who quickly adapted and became an integral part of the team.

- How did you come up with the idea?

- We thought a lot about the problems that people face in general, but one thing kept coming up: the fact that people, especially children and teenagers, decide to commit suicide. After conducting research, we found out that many of these cases are related to childhood trauma and problems that arise at an early age when we are not yet fully conscious. This prompted us to create a project that could prevent this and reduce the number of such cases.

- How did you get funding?

- Almost from the very beginning of the project, our mentor, Yaroslav Klochnyk, introduced us to Gregory Harris and his team, who had been working on a similar idea for several years. After a long conversation, we agreed to cooperate and go together. On February 24, 2024, Gregory and Adam Vdoviak, as representatives of Intelligent Technologies, together with Nazar Podolchak, Director of SID City Science Park at Lviv Polytechnic, signed a cooperation agreement, which meant further official funding for our team.

In addition, we participated in the Tech Accelerator program, where we took third place and received funding.

- What are your plans?

- We are currently collecting feedback from our closed beta testers, fixing all defects and improving the application before entering the open beta test. We have big plans for how to develop the project, in particular with the use of artificial intelligence (which we are already implementing and currently testing), and step by step we as a team are moving towards our goal.

For more details, visit Facebook page of Tech StartUp School.