The Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University met with the Deputy Head of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, Brigadier General Oleksandr Potii, and the Head of the Department of the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, Colonel Serhii Zhuk.
At the meeting, they discussed the possibilities of Lviv Polytechnic in promoting the development of cyber security and training specialists to work in this direction, as well as signed a memorandum on the organization of cooperation in the areas of information protection and cyber protection. The subject of the memorandum is the cooperation of the parties to increase efficiency, further development of higher education, training of highly qualified personnel taking into account the modern requirements of conducting educational and scientific activities in the fields of information protection and cyber protection.
In general, according to Professor Valerii Dudykevych, Head of the Department of Information Security, Lviv Polytechnic has been cooperating with the information protection services of Ukraine for 20 years. At first, cooperation was with the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Protection of SBU (Security Service of Ukraine). At that time, it was headed by Oleksandr Skrynyk, a Polytechnic graduate. In 2001, the branch of education «Information Security» was licensed at Lviv Polytechnic. In 2004, with the support of the Department of Special Telecommunication Systems and Information Protection of SBU, the Western Regional Educational and Scientific Center for Information Protection was created and Regulations on this structure were developed.