Lviv Polytechnic University signs a memorandum on the implementation of pilot training programs

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These are pilot training programs that will operate within the Smart Space. Thanks to the project, young people will get access to European-level educational and cultural services, reveal their creative potential and creative thinking, acquire business skills, implement their own ideas and have mentoring support throughout the entire period of study. There are Junior MBA, Idea, and Leader programs.

Thanks to the Junior MBA program, young people aged 15–22 will be able to improve their creative thinking, analyze complex processes and pitfalls in various spheres of life, acquire new skills for important professions and find like-minded people. This program will operate in the format of a one-year course and will combine business topics and the study of IT specialties, which will be a chance for young people to create their own startup project under the guidance of mentors, learn the basics of leadership, public speaking, marketing, PR management, teamwork and other soft skills from experienced teachers and successful IT specialists.

Participants aged 10–20 can join the Idea project. Within this program there are various courses for schoolchildren and students of the institution of professional (vocational and technical) education, which will help to develop creative thinking, understand complex processes in various spheres of life and master new skills for important professions.

The Leader project is intended for schoolchildren and is aimed at educating young, progressive regional elite aimed at successfully reforming the country, taking into account the urgent needs of today. It involves the promotion of true human values, realization of personal potential, formation of social creativity, readiness and ability to take responsibility.

The best and most experienced practical teachers will work with the participants. The projects will be implemented with the support of Lviv Polytechnic, the Youth and Sports Department of Lviv Regional Military Administration, the City Department of Education, the Department of Youth Policy of the Development Department of the Lviv City Council. Project partners are IT companies: Sigma Software, ELEKS Software, and Soft Serve.

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