The focused group interviews with representatives of local and regional authorities and experts were held within the grant project «Information Asymmetry in the Interaction of Local Government and Rural Residents: Analysis of Causes and Ways to Overcome», implemented with the financial support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany). The topic of the meeting was informational interaction between the authorities and rural residents of the community. The purpose of the online focus group was to form the basis, in particular to develop a questionnaire, and to carry out further stages of research.
The team of researchers and experts from the Department of Management of Organizations and the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, government officials: Prysyvaska Territorial Community (Kherson region), Kozivska Territorial Community (Lviv region), Rukshynska Territorial Community (Chernivtsi region), Khotynska Territorial Community (Chernivtsi Region), and Chernihiv District Council, as well as community development experts from Lviv and Poltava attended the meeting.
As a result of a fruitful discussion of the meeting participants, information was obtained based on the exchange of different opinions and experiences of each participant. Basing on it a questionnaire was formed to carry out further stages of research under the grant project.