Researchers of the Department of Finance took part in an international scientific conference in Poland

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Developing science, representatives of the Department of Finance, Lviv Polytechnic National University, constantly participate in conferences to exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues, including ones from abroad.

Recently, researchers of the Department took part in the International Scientific Conference Innowacyjne instrumenty finansowe w rozwoju mieszkalnictwa w Polsсe. The conference was organized by Krakow University of Economics within the project «Innowacyjne instrumenty finansowe w rozwoju mieszkalnictwa – od koncepcji do realizacji» with the assistance of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Poland.

The Head of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor Ihor Alieksieiev, Senior Lecturer Olena Pozniakova, Candidate of Economic Sciences Nataliia Syniutka, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Pavlo Horyslavets attended the conference. The presented reports concerned the issues on property sector development policy in Ukraine, peculiarities of financing, property insurance and change of ownership in the conditions of digitalization.