Two innovative projects were co-financed within the regional Program for Promotion of Innovation and Scientific and Technological Development in Lviv Region for 2021–2025. They are implemented by Lviv Polytechnic National University. This is the development of technologies for special pyrotechnics for signaling and fire-fighting purposes, as well as the production of hydrogel medical dressings for health care facilities.
Within the framework of the first project, the University researchers developed and optimized formulations for the production of pyrotechnic means of special purpose: visual and sound signaling (signal and masking smoke grenades), as well as means of extinguishing local fires of remote use (in the form of firefighting grenades).
Within the second project, the equipment was purchased, which made it possible to produce 10,000 hydrogel medical dressings to meet the priority needs of health care institutions in the Lviv region.
According to the Department of Economic Policy of Lviv Regional Military Administration, researchers are now looking for an investor who can develop a full-fledged industrial production.
«After all, there is already feedback from military doctors: dressings really help during the rescue of Ukrainian soldiers», informs the Department.
We would like to remind you that this year the Promotion Program of Innovative, Scientific and Technological Development in the Lviv Region for 2021–2025 was adapted to military needs. Project implementation within the Program is carried out in the following directions:
- production of high-tech equipment and/or military and dual purpose goods;
- information technologies of cyber security.
9 innovative projects received UAH 5 million in co-financing from the regional budget. The total cost of the projects is 8 232,00 thousand hryvnias.