Recently, a delegation from China – Quanzhou Institute of Information Engineering – paid a visit to Lviv Polytechnic National University. The delegation was led by a rector Guo Xiaoping and included pro-rector Lin Dong and other heads of structural units of the Chinese Institute.
Professor Yurii Bobalo, the rector of Lviv Polytechnic University, welcomed guests and told them about history and the present of the oldest and largest technical university of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, about the educational process and scientific developments, as well as about international cooperation with well-known scientific centers and business structures.
During constructive conversation, Chinese guests showed particular interest in establishing cooperation between education institutions primarily in the educational field, in particular, the training of Chinese students in Lviv Polytechnic in the field of telecommunications, radio electronics, computer and electronic equipment, etc.
Professor Nataliia Hotz, the head of the Center for International Education of Lviv Polytechnic, emphasized that such cooperation lies in the exchange of lecturers of two higher education institutions, the participation of Chinese in international scientific and practical conferences and competitions held in Ukraine, the organization of internship for lecturers and students-designers of Lviv Polytechnic at the firms in China.
As a result of the negotiations, rectors Yurii Bobalo and Guo Xiaoping signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the two universities, which gives a good impetus to mutual and fruitful dialogue between Ukraine and China.
The directors of a number of education and scientific institutes of Lviv Polytechnic, including Professor Ivan Prudyus from the Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, Professor Zenovii Blikharskyi from the Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering, Professor Mykola Mykyichuk from the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, and Professor Mykola Medykovskyi, from the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, attended the meeting.