Lecture by Azov soldiers at Lviv Polytechnic: information security as a weapon of modern warfare

Viktoriia Buhaiova, Lviv Polytechnic Centre for Communication
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On September 11, members of the Azov Brigade gave a lecture on Information and Information Security, focusing on the issues of modern warfare and its information aspect, at Lviv Polytechnic. Today, war is not just about fighting and returning territory. An important component is also information and psychological operations and the fight against hostile narratives that threaten national security.

Lecturers from the Azov Brigade explained why information security plays a key role in saving the lives of both soldiers and civilians. They explained in detail what mass and public information is, how to distinguish between them from a legal point of view, and what types of information have restricted access. One of the important topics was cyber hygiene, i.e. the rules for protecting one’s digital data and personal information in the face of modern cyber threats. The students learned about the basic rules of information immunity, including how to safely handle information in military structures, the media and even in messengers. The students paid special attention to the issues of encrypting messages and security in dating services, which may seem insignificant but is actually of great importance in martial law.

They also reminded students about the importance of safety in everyday life, giving real-life examples from their own experience. One of the soldiers shared a personal story:

– I had a situation when somebody called a person I know, introduced himself as an SBU officer and invited him to a meeting. When we checked the number through GetContact, we saw that it was indeed an SBU officer, but his personal data, along with his residential address, were available to other users. This shows that not even all professionals understand the importance of information security. Therefore, everybody needs to learn how to protect their data.

The lecture was held in a relaxed atmosphere, which allowed students to actively participate in the discussion, ask questions and discuss real threats and methods of preventing them. The soldiers tried to explain complex things in the simplest and most accessible way possible, accompanying the lecture with jokes to make the information easier to understand and remember.

This event was a great opportunity for students to learn more about the key aspects of information security and to understand how important it is to follow security rules not only in the military but also in everyday life. For students, this experience was not only educational but also socially important, as information security is a component of national security, especially in the context of modern warfare.

Don’t forget to support our soldiers through proven donation channels. For example, the Students’ Board and the Students and PhD Students Union of Lviv Polytechnic National University have gathered all concerned alumni, students and friends of Lviv Polytechnic and are raising funds for those Polytechnic graduates who are serving in the army.

The guys’ needs include a lot of machinery and equipment (the whole list).

The overall goal is to raise 2 million hryvnias.

For everyone who wants to join the fundraising, we leave a Google form and hope for your help.