On May 23–24, 2019, the V International Scientific and Practical Conference on Problems of Formation and Development of Innovation Infrastructure, organized by the Department of Business Economics and Investment together with the Tech Startup School, the business innovation center of Lviv Polytechnic National University, was held in Lviv.
The conference aims to unite the efforts of successful entrepreneurs and creative scientists to form a modern innovation infrastructure. 517 participants took part in the conference, including 62 Doctors of Sciences and 51 Professors. 311 abstracts were submitted.
On the first day of the conference, within the framework of the section «Development of innovative infrastructure based on transformation of knowledge and technologies», the conference participants discussed the topical scientific and applied principles of the development of innovation infrastructure in the context of changes in the modern Ukrainian and world economies. Within the framework of the section «Digital economics and the formation of innovation infrastructure: realities, prospects and challenges» the key issues for discussion were the problems of technology transfer and commercialization and the increase of interaction efficiency within the framework of innovative infrastructures.
The second day of the conference included discussions in the form of dialogues between conference participants and FORBES-rating entrepreneurs – in which projects and infrastructure people from the FORBES list are ready to invest, as well as the work of the roundtable discussion «Development of startups based on mentoring and interaction between innovation infrastructure participants. Problems of resource support for the development of startups and subjects of innovation infrastructure».
On May 25, 2019, the conference continued its work at the Innovative Spring Forum 2019. It included presentation of MBA program from Tech Startup School, NovaTalking motivational performances by young ambitious people, the scientific and technological exhibition by Lviv Polytechnic National University, the City Competition of Startups and lectures by successful entrepreneurs, startup makers and investors.