On May 4, there was an official opening of the international project «European experience in the promotion of heritage and cultural tourism» (EEPHCT) by Jean Monet as part of the EU Erasmus+ programme, which will be implemented over the next three years at Lviv Polytechnic National University by the Department of Management of Organizations, the Institute of Economics and Management. The event took place online.
Welcome speeches were made by:
- Nataliya Chukhray – Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, Lviv Polytechnic;
- Svitlana Shytikova – coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine;
- Oleh Karyi – head of the Department of Management of Organizations, IEM.
The moderator of the event is Ihor Kulyniak – Project Coordinator, Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Organizations. He presented the participants with the main ideas, goals of the project, and with the target audience, as well as told about the activities planned as part of its three-year implementation.
The student community, as well as Taisiia Nakonechna, representative of Jean Monnet Family at Lviv Polytechnic, Project Manager of the Jean Monnet project within the EU Erasmus+ Programme «Dissemination of EU practices through e-marketing, conscious consumption, circular economy, resource efficiency», Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics, the Institute of Economics and Management, attended the event.
Learn more about EEPHCT: