An interactive event was held to exchange experience with the teachers of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Department of Political Science and International Relations
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On May 15, 2024, within the framework of the European Studies for Technical Specialties at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) project with the support of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Program, an interactive event "Dissemination of Best Practices in Teaching European Studies and Creation of Interdisciplinary Programs in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine: Exchange of Experience" was held online. The event, organized by the team of the European Studies for Technical Universities at Lviv Polytechnic National University together with the professors of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, was held under the slogan "Courage to Teach" by Kharkiv colleagues who demonstrate high professionalism in the development of international cooperation, research and education in extremely difficult conditions. The head of the Jean Monnet Chair "In-depth Study of EU Law and Values: Ukrainian Context" at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, the head of the Department of European Union Law, Doctor of Law, Professor Tetiana Komarova, noted that "European integration is not only about the economy, but also about European values". This is extremely important for frontline Kharkiv, because "30 km to the border where civilization ends, it is important to talk about European values." The speaker focused on the presentation of the experience of the Jean Monnet Chair "In-depth Study of EU Law and Values: Ukrainian Context" at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, shared best practices of engaging leading European lecturers in projects, who once directly developed European integration plans for EU candidate countries. Kharkiv students had the opportunity to communicate with Professor G. Munoz of Ghent University, Professor A. Bodnar of Warsaw University, Professor L. Grzejzak of Lodz University, Professor L. Jakulevičienė of Mykola Romenis University, and others, which was made possible by many years of professional connections. The information about the establishment of the EU Law Club, conducting training schools, focus groups of which are not only students, but also teachers, judges, lawyers, journalists, etc. aroused great interest. At the end of Prof. Komarova's speech, a lively discussion took place, as Lviv colleagues were interested in ways to engage young people in European studies, how the university develops knowledge of EU trade law, and what EU-related courses are taught by the department. It turned out that these are almost 25 educational components that serve as a solid core for the development of knowledge about the EU and Ukraine's European integration at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Instead, Ph, D., Associate Professor Tetiana Anakina (Associate Professor of the Department of European Union Law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, member of the team). Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, member of the Jean Monnet Chair team "Advanced Study of EU Law and Values: Ukrainian Context", visiting lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid) logically continued her colleague's speech, focusing on the experience of teaching EU law at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University and the historical genesis of the formation of a specialized department of EU law at the university. The speaker elaborated on the structure of the courses (compulsory and elective), such as EU Law, EU Law in Justice and Home Affairs, etc. Similarly to Lviv Polytechnic, topics on EU-Ukraine cooperation in energy, transport, environmental protection, security and defense are popular among students. Associate Professor T. Anakina shared her experience of implementing the best European educational practices in the educational process, such as organizing moot courts and more active use of interactive teaching methods.

No less interesting and rich experience was shared by the participants of the EUSTS project at Lviv Polytechnic National University in implementing European studies. Thus, prof. Yaryna Turchyn (EUSTS Project Leader, Director of the IGSS NULP) focused on the features and main stages of the development of European studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University, the results of a sociological survey, the prospects for introducing interdisciplinary educational programs on the EU and European integration of Ukraine, where she focused on the Energy Security program, which, in the opinion of the EUSTS team members, is extremely relevant and innovative in the context of European energy trends. Associate Professor Nataliia Vovk (EUSTS project participant, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of the NULP) shared the best practices of teaching European studies to students of technical specialties, developed over the two years of the EUSTS project implementation at the NULP, which are worth disseminating to other Ukrainian universities. Associate Professor Olena Lukachuk (INNOVATION HUB mentor, EUSTS project participant, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the NULP) presented the experience of project activities of NULP students, including through EU programs, as well as the specific results of such work.

The practical part of the event with the use of interactive teaching methods to form knowledge about the EU as a responsible global actor in the modern system of international relations for students of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv) was conducted by trainers in teaching methods, participants of the EUSTS project - Associate Professor Olga Ivasechko (Department of International Relations), Associate Professor Oleg Tsebenko (Department of International Relations). During the practical part, the participants used the exercise "Walking through the EU Tour Gallery", where students got acquainted with key EU institutions, senior EU officials, and various facts about the EU. They also held a Kahoot on the history of European integration, where students competed with each other in knowledge of various facts and features related to European states and the EU.

At the beginning of the event, Prof. T. Komarova noted the problem of the shortage of personnel in Ukraine in the field of European integration, which is about 2000 specialists annually. At the end of the meeting, Prof. Y. Turchyn emphasized that only through joint efforts and the implementation of interdisciplinary programs is it possible to train such specialists - European integrators in law, economics, energy, transport, environment, etc., ensuring Ukraine's diverse needs for approximation to the EU. In total, the event was attended by over 50 people - students, professors, and postgraduate students of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (28 people) and Lviv Polytechnic National University (27 people). The EUSTS project team expresses its gratitude to all the participants of the event - the resilient Kharkiv citizens - for interesting discussions, professional reports, exchange of best practices, and development of new ideas for the development of interdisciplinary educational programs in European Studies in Ukrainian universities.

Associate Prof. Oleksandr Markovets (Department of CID), Associate Prof. Lidia Kasha (Department of ECS), and Associate Prof. Iryna Sukhorolska (Department of PME) also joined the preparation of the event.

More information about the EUSTS project can be found here:

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