An interactive event to exchange experience with academics of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Department of Political Science and International Relations
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On March 11, 2025, within the framework of the project "European Studies for Technical Specialties at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (EUSTS) with the support of the EU Erasmus+ program under the Jean Monnet direction, an interactive event "Dissemination of best practices in teaching European studies and creation of interdisciplinary programs in higher education institutions of Ukraine: exchange of experience" was held online. The event was organized by the team of the NSC "European Studies for Technical Universities" of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (Lviv) together with teachers of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk).

Prof. Yaryna Turchyn (EUSTS project leader) focused on the specifics of the development and implementation of European studies in Ukraine and NULS, especially through the intensification of international cooperation and the implementation of Jean Monnet programs, positive practices in disseminating knowledge about the EU in the academic community (in particular, through individual educational components, educational and professional programs, optional classes, scientific work, etc.), as well as challenges that require a response. She familiarized the participants of the event with the results of the survey of the NULS Center "European Studies for Technical Universities", including on the creation of interdisciplinary programs in the fields of energy, ecology, and digitalization, which are interesting to young students. The following events within the project were also announced, where scientists and students will have additional opportunities to exchange experiences and disseminate knowledge about the EU.

Assoc. Prof. Ihor Hurak (Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) described the content of the European integration component of the training of graduates of the Ivano-Frankivsk Higher Education Institution, primarily within a number of specialties, such as: "International Economic Relations", "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" and "Political Science". The key topic of the discussion was the issue of practical training of students in the context of Ukraine's European integration, the negotiation process for accession, and the critical shortage of professional personnel in the implementation of European standards, including energy, ecology, agriculture, etc. Therefore, when teaching European studies, it is worth considering, I. Hurak emphasized, that graduates should have not only general knowledge for conducting the negotiation process but also narrowly professional knowledge (for example, understanding the EU's environmental or energy policy and the possibilities of implementing such standards in Ukraine).

Associate Professor of the Precarpathian University Lesya Danylyuk (project coordinator) acquainted the participants of the event with the results of a sociological survey and the features of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Erasmus+ module “European system for protecting the right to a safe environment: experience for Ukraine”, which will last until 2026 and aims to study the legal support for rational use of nature, the problems of guaranteeing and implementing environmental rights, and the legal aspects of environmental restoration in the context of Ukraine’s European integration in the light of protecting the right to a safe environment in European and Ukrainian legislation. The participants of the event got acquainted with the educational, scientific, and practical elements of the ES PRSE EU project, as well as its goals: improving the quality of knowledge in the field of environmental law of the EU and Ukraine; improving the competitiveness of students in the labor market; stimulating the creation of new areas of research; stimulating the process of developing new and improving existing Ukrainian environmental legislation in accordance with EU standards; increasing the level of protection of environmental rights, etc.

Assoc. Prof. Natalia Vovk (participant of the EUSTS project, associate professor of the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of the NULP) shared her experience of best practices in teaching European studies to students of technical specialties through the prism of the main challenges, such as: encouraging students to choose disciplines; making classes interesting; diversifying the educational process; updating educational materials; constantly popularizing news and project results, as well as ways to overcome them by the EUSTS team. Further directions for the development of European studies at Lviv Polytechnic after the completion of the EUSTS project in the fall of 2025 were also outlined; the presentation of the manual “EU and European Integration of Ukraine: Simply About the Complex” was announced.

Assoc. Prof. Olena Lukachuk (mentor of INNOVATION HUB, participant of the EUSTS project) revealed the features of conducting interactive classes at the university, the experience of project activities of student youth in NULP through involvement in the activities of INNOVATION HUB, friendly visits to various institutions, cooperation with Tech StartUp School, the STARTUP Breakthrough 2024 program, mentoring programs of Lviv Polytechnic, participation in the Rotary Business Forum, work on the Map of cultural heritage sites together with students of the University of Torun, use of various opportunities from the Erasmus+ program by Lviv Polytechnic students, etc.

Following the speeches of the participants, there was an active and interesting discussion on the introduction of new educational programs, the exchange of best practices in teaching European studies and the search for new opportunities for scientific cooperation, as well as the development of economic and military diplomacy to strengthen Ukraine's European integration course.

The practical part of the event using interactive teaching methods ("Europuzzle: interesting facts, figures, events about the EU", "Walk through the gallery: a tour of the EU", etc.) to form knowledge about the EU as a responsible global actor in the modern system of international relations for students of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University was conducted by trainers in teaching methods, participants of the EUSTS project - Assoc. Prof. Olha Ivasechko (Department of International Relations), Assoc. Prof. Oleh Tsebenko (Department of International Relations). Assoc. Prof. Oleksandr Markovets (Department of International Relations), Assoc. Prof. Lidia Kasha (Department of International Relations), Assoc. Prof. Iryna Sukhorolska (Department of International Relations) also participated in the event preparation.

In total, the event was attended by over 50 participants – students (33 people), teachers (19 people) from Lviv Polytechnic National University and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The EUSTS project team expresses its gratitude to all participants of the event for interesting discussions, professional reports, exchange of best practices and development of new ideas for the development of European studies in higher education institutions of Ukraine.

More detailed information about the EUSTS project

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