An interactive event to exchange experience with academics of Dnipro Polytechnic was held as part of the project EUSTS

Department of Political Science and International Relations
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October 4, 2024, as part of the project "European studios for technical majors at Lviv Polytechnic National University (EUSTS) with support an interactive event was held in the online format of the EU Erasmus+ program by Jean Monet "Dissemination of the best practices of teaching European studies and creation of interdisciplinary programs in higher education institutions of Ukraine: exchange of experience". Event organized by the team of the NSC "European Studies for Technical Universities" of NULP together with the National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" (Dnipro).

In his speech, Prof. Yaryna Turchyn (head of the EUSTS project) shared information about the genesis of European studies, factors affecting the establishment of European studies in Ukraine, the main stages of formation and introduction of European of studies in Ukraine and NULP, in particular, mechanisms for stimulating the development of European studies in NULP revealed possible forms of spreading knowledge about the European Union with application innovative teaching methods. Based on the data of sociological surveys conducted by NCC "European Studies for Technical Universities" substantiated the expediency and the prospect of introducing interdisciplinary programs that cause special interest among students of technical specialties and have significant practical significance view of the implementation of European policies in various spheres of functioning of Ukraine on the way to full membership in the EU. According to the head of the EUSTS project, it is most expedient to implement interdisciplinary educational programs in European studies at the master's level, and to involve specialists of various scientific fields in their teaching and external stakeholders.

Doctor of Political Science, Prof.Oleksandr Rudik of the National Technical University of "Dniprovska Polytechnic" University shared his experience of teaching European studies to public servants, male and female students in higher education institutions of the city of Dnipro, in particular, the Dnipro Regional Institute of State Administration of the National Academy of Sciences under To the President of Ukraine, Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, a now - the National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic". The main focus the professor dedicated to the disclosure of his own experience from participation in international projects with the training of civil servants specializing in European integration (TEMPUS TACIS and international program with the support of Great Britain); promotion of knowledge about the EU in trade union circles of the region; the use of the latest European teaching methods studios; the issue of localization of European integration policy; content of educational modules ("EU: institutions and common policies", "Association agreement with the EU as a tool of modernization and Europeanization", "Politics of the European Union", etc.)

Instead, he is a professor of the Department of History and Political Theory of the National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic", d. flight. Ph.D., Assoc.Anastasia Kravets focused on theoretical and practical aspects implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission regarding the improvement of domestic regional and national policy as an important component of the European integration process of Ukraine. The professor revealed the content of EU regulatory documents on the protection of rights national minorities, peculiarities of their implementation at the national and regional level levels, and also substantiated the expediency of introducing a selective course in European integration for students of the third educational level (PHD) in the National Technical Dnipro Polytechnic University.

Assoc.Natalia Vovk (participant of the EUSTS project) summarized the results of two years of existence of the EUSTS project in the NULP, focused on the main challenges during the implementation of European studies at the university, such as: encourage students to choose disciplines; make classes interesting; to diversify educational process; update educational materials; constant popularization of news and results of the EUSTS project and proposed solutions to their solution, demonstrating best practices and results.

Docent Olena Lukachuk (mentor of INNOVATION HUB, participant of the EUSTS project, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) represented the experience of project activities of student youth of the National Academy of Sciences, including thanks to programs from the EU, as well as specific results of such work - including direct participation of students in European educational and scientific programs, internships at practice bases that directly implement European integration.

Despite the difficult security situation, the performances of the participants were an active interesting discussion. Common thematic interests, best practices, and further developments have been identified as prospects for the development of European studies in both universities, as well as discussing the problem of synergy between the scientific community and regional authorities in the training of specialists from European integration. The practical part of the event with the use of interactive learning methods for students of the National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic" conducted by teaching methods trainers, EUSTS project participants - Assoc. Olga Ivasechko (department PMV), Assoc. Oleg Tsebenko (PMV department). The teachers demonstrated several interactive exercises for forming students' knowledge about the EU and the European integration of Ukraine, such as the quiz "What do you know about the EU?", the exercise "Smart Quiz", and at the end of the lesson, students "walked" through the virtual gallery "European Union" and got acquainted with the key ones figures, facts, and institutions of the EU. At the end of the event, the students expressed their opinions and delight from interesting interactives. Assoc. also participated in the event. Oleksandr Markovets (SKID department), Assoc. Lidia Kasha (ECS department), Assoc.Iryna Sukhorolska (caf. PMV). In total, 49 people - students, graduate students, and teachers - participated in the event at Lviv Polytechnic National University and National Technical University "Dniprovska Polytechnic" University. The EUSTS project team is grateful to the Department of International Relations and Audit of Dnipro Polytechnic University for long-term cooperation and help in organizing the event, in general, to all event participants for interesting, professional discussions reports, exchange of best practices and development of new ideas for European development of studies at the ZVO of Ukraine. More detailed information about the EUSTS project can be found at vocation:

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