Innovation and cooperation: Lviv Polytechnic on the way to developing academic startups and technologies

Viktoriia Buhaiova, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
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On September 23, Lviv Polytechnic National University hosted a workshop on the topic «The Place of Intellectual Property in Innovative Projects». The event brought together researchers, academics, professors, and business representatives to discuss ways to develop innovations and effectively protect intellectual property in Ukrainian higher education institutions.

«Financing Scientific and Innovative Activities. Protection of Intellectual Property» – a presentation by Roman Nebesnyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Research and Development Department, Lviv Polytechnic.

«The concept of startup movement development in higher education institutions through the prism of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 430 dated April 23, 2024» was presented by Ihor Parenchuk, Deputy Director of the IP Office, and Anastasiia Yarmoliuk, Head of the Network Development of Technology and Innovation Support Centers of the IP Office Innovation Development Department.

«Novelties of intellectual property rights protection» was presented by Yuliana Zukh, innovation professional of TISC division of the IP Office’s Innovation Development Department.

During the workshop, special attention was paid to the development of innovation structures at Lviv Polytechnic. Statistical data on the University’s ranking among other higher education institutions in the country were also presented. The participants discussed the University’s scientific and innovative achievements, in particular the number of registered patents for utility models and inventions, which reach about 800 annually.

Particular emphasis was placed on discussing sources and forms of funding for research and innovation projects, as effective financial support contributes to the creation of new technologies, products and services. They also discussed the importance of organizing competitions for scientific and innovative projects that encourage young scientists to actively develop in the field of innovation.

Collaboration with business: partnership with the IP Office

One of the key topics of the workshop was the cooperation between Lviv Polytechnic and the Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovation (IP Office). The goal of this partnership is to build effective interaction between higher education institutions and businesses, which will allow the development of academic startups, stimulating the innovative development of both parties. This will help create new technologies, products and services, as well as increase the competitiveness of both the university and business.

Lviv Polytechnic 2025 Development Strategy

In the context of this cooperation, the workshop also dealt with the implementation of the strategic concept of the University’s development called Lviv Polytechnic 2025. This strategy is aimed at expanding the innovation potential of the University by developing new models for the development of its innovation ecosystem.

Innovation hub and startup ecosystem

One of the key ideas voiced at the workshop was the creation of an innovation hub at Lviv Polytechnic. Such a hub would function as an industry or cluster center that would combine various elements of the innovation infrastructure. It will include a consulting center, a technology incubator, a startup school, a laboratory, a TISC (Technology and Innovation Support Center), an entrepreneurship center, and other important elements that will promote innovation.

Particular attention is paid to the stages of initial development of startups that will be able to develop on the basis of the University’s Startup School as part of the Startup Farm project. This project provides support to young entrepreneurs in developing their ideas from concept to market implementation.

The workshop was an important step towards creating a modern research and innovation environment that promotes the development of new technologies, products, and services, as well as increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities and businesses in the international arena. Lviv Polytechnic is a vivid example of a university that is actively developing its innovation infrastructure, creating favorable conditions for the implementation of scientific ideas and startups.

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