In September, the Department of Marketing and Logistics began to implement the three-year project Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Dissemination of the European Experience – one of 4 winners of Erasmus+ Jean Monet Competition. The team, which will be implementing it, consists of the Head of the Department Yevhen Krykavskyi and such academics as Nataliia Haivanovych, Nataliia Chornopyska, Olena Pokhylchenko, Oksana Dovhun and Sofiia Leonova. Project coordinator Nataliia Haivanovych told us more about the project.
The main objective of the program to be implemented is to disseminate European experience and best European practices in Supply Chain Management. We believe that this will increase the interest and competence of Ukrainian business as well as improve the implementation of European management standards, in particular Logistics.