On February 20, on the occasion of International Mother Language the project «My Parents’ Language is the Language of My Spirit» took place in Lviv Polytechnic. It was initiated and organized by the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, headed by Director Iryna Kliuchkovska, in recognition of the unity of Ukrainians in Ukraine and beyond.
The event consisted of three parts. First of all, there was a poetic flashmob «Native language in native school», in which Vice-Rector Oleh Davydchak and students – participants of Khochu (I Do Want) Theatrical Studio of Prosvita People’s House of our university took part. With the accompaniment of bandura and violin there were declaimed Mother Tongue Poems. Polyphonia Chamber Orchestra of Prosvita People’s House of Lviv Polytechnic also joined the event, performing various well-known musical pieces.
The second part is the traveling exhibition of posters «My Parents’ Language is the Language of My Spirit». Each of posters displays the depth of thought of Ukrainian diaspora – public leaders, politicians, scientists and artists. It is they and millions of Ukrainians all over the world who, during the time our country wasn’t independent, cherished and developed the Ukrainian language, and today they tirelessly work and give all their efforts for its development and promotion. In the future, this exposition will travel to different countries of the world.
And the last part of this project is the broadcast of a number of video clips and posters with quotations in social networks.
– «My Parents’ Language is the Language of My Spirit» – the words of the Brazilian poetess of Ukrainian origin, Vira Vovk. In this project there are no major or minor participants. After all, only together, and we have to remember it, we can be successful. No one, except us, can establish the Ukrainian language», said the initiator of the project, IECDR Director Iryna Kliuchkovska.
Honorary Consul of Canada in Ukraine Doctor Oksana Wynnytska-Yusypovych shared her thoughts on how the Ukrainian language is developing now in the world:
– Today I am honored to participate in international conferences in Ukraine and beyond it, speaking Ukrainian. To discuss economic and trade issues in Ukrainian. To participate in diplomatic events with politicians from different countries and exchange views in Ukrainian. Nowadays, the Ukrainian language is gradually becoming the language of the scientific, political, business and diplomatic circles of the world. And I’m proud of that!
The project is supported by the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO).
Photos by Yosyph Marukhniak