In the middle of the summer, the International Cyber Security Summer School – IT Security-2018 – has finished its work at the Department of Information Security of ICTA. Oleh Matviikiv, Vice-Rector for Education and International Relations, congratulated the participants, rewarded them with certificates, and expressed gratitude to their lecturers.
The first such school took place in St. Petersburg (Russia), and after that, for the third year it is organized in Lviv Polytechnic. Swede Anders Carlsson, who represents Blekinge Institute of Technology, coordinates the project and actively take part in it. Among the students of this year’s summer school are representatives of the higher education institutions in Ukraine, Poland and Sweden, in particular from the universities in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Wroclaw, Karlskrona and others.
This time Lviv Polytechnic accepted more than 40 participants who arrived at school together with their teachers. Many of them learned about this event from social media. Yevheniia Kuzmina, the assistant professor of Kharkiv University of Radio Electronics, informed about the work of the school and told about its peculiarities and program.
Students from Sweden, who took part in the summer school, during the first semester of this academic year, will study in Lviv Polytechnic according to the Erasmus+ programme.