The event, which was organized by the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, the Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychology and Innovative Education, was actively attended by students-psychologists of various universities: Lviv Polytechnic, Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education, Uzhhorod National University, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Izmail State University of Humanities, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Management, Psychology and Security, University of Wroclaw in Poland. About 80 students sent abstracts, and in total, more than 100 people participated in the conference. Fifteen participants presented our university.
The conference was opened by Iryna Sniadanko, head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic. She emphasized the difficulties of the psychologist’s work today, that is, during the war.
– The theme of the conference is determined by the situation in the country. As we live in war conditions, the war affects each of us in different ways. That is why it needs to be talked about. War gives us, psychologists, a great field for research, we work in different directions. Now our students are learning to work with the military, to choose different methods to help them deal with stress, emphasized Iryna Sniadanko.
Lviv Polytechnic Master’s student Diana-Maria Tsialkovska made a presentation «Psychological resources for overcoming stress in war conditions». After the report there was a discussion of the importance of psychological health and well-being for the individual, the importance of using internal resources for a person in war conditions, an analysis of the scientific contribution of foreign scientists, coping strategies (that is, methods of psychological activity and behavior that are consciously produced and aimed at overcoming stressful and difficult domestic situations).
Pavlo Malenchak, Lviv Polytechnic student who also studies at the University of Wroclaw, introduced the participants to the psychological service of the education system during the war. The speaker prepared a presentation in English and briefly told about the University of Wroclaw, as well as introduced the interested participants to the Erasmus+ programme.
Stepan Pasichnyk, an expert in psychological support and a representative of the Danish Refugee Council, shared extremely useful information in the presentation «Peculiarities of psychosocial assistance in the context of humanitarian activities in the conditions of war». He talked about different concepts in the field of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS).
The speaker also raised an important topic today – the peculiarities of psychological assistance in the context of military aggression.
Sofiia Hryb, a student of Lviv Polytechnic University, covered an interesting and important topic «Social and psychological factors of an individual’s tendency to altruism in the conditions of war». She told about the problems with which people come to the psychologists most often now and about the feelings of clients after providing them with psychological help.