Greetings of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University on the occasion of Mother’s Day

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Dear Polytechnicians!

The second Sunday in May, Mother’s Day, is an opportunity to emphasize once again how important a mother is to each of us and to thank her for her sacrifice and devotion.

No matter how our lives develop, no matter how far the roads from our home take us, it is our mother who –no matter how old we are and what we have achieved – is the person who forever remains a reference point in our actions and perception of the world. It is the mother who is the evidence of the existence of unconditional and inevitable love. The reverent and caring attitude of the mother to the child multiplies the importance of the gift of life.

Dear mothers, thank you! May your hearts never know sorrow and pain! I wish you joy, health and happiness!



Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University