Graphic Design students are actively involved in cultural and educational events of the city

Iryna Martyn, Lviv Polytechnic Center for Communication
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An important part of getting a graphic designer’s education is visiting museums, libraries, theaters, and various interesting events that will help to form a creative personality.

From the very beginning of the academic year, in the first weeks of September, the first-year students took part in several events on the initiative of Liudmyla Andrushko, Associate Professor of Graphics and Book Art. In particular, they visited the Roman Ivanychuk Lviv Regional Library for Youth, where they learned about the structure of the library and the peculiarities of its functioning during the war, when a place for reading books turned into a powerful volunteer center with various activities: from weaving camouflage nets to making trench candles and packing packages for soldiers at the front.

The students learned a lot about the building that houses the library, and thus touched the history of our city through the events that took place in the Latin Archbishops’ house of that time. Epochs and owners have changed, and the house hides lots of secrets that we want to reveal and mysterious stories that we want to learn about. The tour was prepared by Khrystyna Turkalo, Head of the Department for International Cooperation and Volunteerism, and librarian Iryna Biluta.

Another interesting event that the future graphic designers recently joined was the opening of an exhibition-dialogue by Ivan Mykytiuk and Natalia Shevchenko «Dialogue of Image and Colour» at the Franko House. There, students had the opportunity to talk to the artists and immerse themselves into the world of their creativity.

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