According to the order of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University No.403–1–10 of August 20, 2020, which provides for compliance with all recommendations of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, study in the autumn term will begin on October 1 and will depend on epidemiological situation in Lviv. Also, the form of teaching freshmen, bachelor’s and master’s students will be slightly different.
– Senior students already know what distance learning and lectures in an online format are. Of course, when our epidemiological situation gets better, i.e. we will be in the «yellow» or «green» zone, then there will be no such restrictions on attending classes in large groups and we will be able to conduct lectures in the usual form. Now we are planning to conduct lectures in classrooms only for freshmen, because it is important for them to understand the specifics of the educational process. Seniors will have lectures remotely, but practical and laboratory classes – in classrooms. Laboratory or practical work usually requires special equipment, so it is clear that conducting such classes online has a negative impact on the quality of knowledge. We have made a schedule so that students study online on certain days, and on the other days – come to classes at the university. We will go completely online only in case of Lviv is in «red» zone, explained Oleh Davydchak, Vice-Rector for Graduate Education.
For first-year bachelor’s students classes will be held the following way:
– when the level of epidemic danger is «green» or «yellow» – all classes will be held in the classrooms of the university;
– when the level of epidemic danger is «orange» – practical and laboratory classes will be held in classrooms, lectures – online in the form of video conferences. If the discipline is studied by only one group of students, the lecture can take place in the classroom;
– when the level of epidemic danger is «red» – all classes will take place in the form of video conferences.
For the second-fourth-year bachelor’s students and all master’s students classes will be held in the following formats:
– when the level of epidemic danger is «green», «yellow» or «orange»: practical and laboratory classes will be held in the classrooms of the university;
– if practical or laboratory classes do not require the use of special technical equipment, they may be conducted in the form of video conferences; lectures will be conducted online in the form of video conferences;
– if the discipline is studied by only one group, it is allowed to hold lectures at the university
There will be changes for the discipline of Physical Education – for third-year students, it will be optional with the schedule of sports sections.
– By the beginning of the academic year, academic staff will have supplemented the virtual learning environment with the necessary materials. We are monitoring this process. As for the quality of this system, we have further expanded and improved its technical capabilities. We hope that this will be enough for the VLE to work smoothly, said Oleh Davydchak