The senior lecturer of the Department of History, Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage, Roman Kuzmyn, emphasizes this. The research team of HUEC Department (Roman Kuzmyn, Rostyslav Melnyk, Andrii Tsebenko, Yuliia Kurdyna and the Head of the Department Polina Verbytska) studies the history of the University and opens its new pages using this approach. One of the areas of their study is the past of the university science. To the 75th anniversary of the Research and Development Department, Roman Kuzmyn and his colleague Rostyslav Melnyk are preparing a monograph. What is it about? In fact, the book contains the entire history of the R&D Department, beginning with the Research Sector, established in Polytechnic on December 11, 1944. It was the first separate unit to coordinate the scientific development of the Polytechnic Institute of that time. And on December 30, 1978, the Scientific Sector was reorganized into the Research and Development Department that dealt with quite different tasks, had a completely different structure, a network of laboratories and was subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research.
– The book is at the stage of completion and filling with archival materials. Its publication is scheduled for the first quarter of 2020, tells Roman Kuzmyn, one of its authors, Senior Lecturer at HUEC.
The interlocutor notes that the main work in compiling this edition was the work in the archives. Therefore, at the solemn celebration of the anniversary of the R&D Department, which takes place on December 11, the scientific team of the Department, which studies the history of Lviv Polytechnic, plans to carry out an interview with famous researchers of the University.
– In a few years these memories will be unique. For example, today, we cannot hear Stefan Banach or other eminent scholars, as when they lived, there was no such opportunity, so they left us only their memoirs. Now, using modern technology, we can record voices and thus make audio archives, explains Mr. Kuzmyn.
Some studies of Polytechnic history were made to the 200th anniversary of the University (for example, published monograph by Roman Kuzmyn and Yuliia Kurdyna Doctores Honoris Causa of Lviv Polytechnic). Historians study documents covering all periods of the University development (Austrian: 1817–1918, Polish: 1919–1939, Soviet: 1939–41, and 1944–1991), as well as participate in arranging an exposition for Lviv Polytechnic History Museum, which will not only expand its facilities and move to the former machine lab, but will also become interactive. Conferences and science events will be held there.