The first graduates of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems were awarded the diplomas

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The first graduates of the AIS Department were awarded diplomas in the Assembly Hall of the main building. On this occasion, celebrations were held, to which representatives of the University Management and partner companies of the Department were invited.

The first graduates were greeted by Oleh Matviikiv, the First Vice-Rector of the University. He wished the young people success in their endeavors and appealed to them to constantly learn and develop, to carry the title of Polytechnician with dignity. He was joined by Mykola Medykovskyi, Director of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies. According to him, the Polytechnic family was replenished that day with a large number of worthy graduates, whom he wished a happy journey, and urged not to forget their alma mater.

«Professors from other Departments and universities wondered why everything was open and accessible in our Department. It was you who dictated this way of our communication and functioning, and I think that the next students will focused on you. In many ways, you set the tone – thank you for your criticism, thank you for your kind words. All this was important for our joint formation and development – we started with five teachers, now there are twenty-eight of them, in four years it is a great result. Thank you for your cooperation and I want to see you become master’s students. Those who do not plan to continue their studies, we are also waiting for at the Department – we are always open for you», said Nataliia Shakhovska, the program’s founder and Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems.

Representatives of SoftServe, the main partner and co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence Systems program, also attended the celebrations. Principal Software Engineer Ivan Zahorodnii and Chief Technology Officer Oleksandr Chubai spoke about the realities of the IT labour market and called for constant development, as well as to help develop the next generation, to assist in the progress of the Department and Ukraine.

Khrystyna Martyniak, manager of educational projects at Lviv IT Cluster, expressed hope that students would continue to develop the field of artificial intelligence, and also added that it must give pleasure – only then there will be a good result.

«I would like you to remember that this is not just a grade in a diploma – there are a lot of hours of work by people who believed that in four years we will have great and successful graduates. I want that in the future, when you have good jobs in leading companies or even create your own, do not forget the Department, the environment that develops students, and we hope you would join this process and help young people to be realized», said Ivan Zahorodnii.

«Я б хотів, щоб ви пам’ятали, що це не просто оцінки в дипломі — за ним стоять дуже багато годин роботи людей, які вірили, що за чотири роки ми отримаємо класних успішних випускників. Хочу, щоб у майбутньому, коли ви вже матимете хороші позиції у провідних компаніях або навіть створите свої, не забували кафедри, середовища, яке розвиває студентів, і вже б ви долучалися до цього процесу й допомагали молоді реалізовуватися», — зазначив Іван Загородній.

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