«It was planned to make about three thousand meters of paving. Why did the work take so long? Because the tender for the purchase of cobblestones did not take place twice. The third tender seems to have taken place. Why seems? Because we have to sign a purchase agreement only on August 13. There is a certain procurement procedure. If we sign the agreement, the delivery of materials and paving will begin. In general, almost all of this pavement will be paved near the I and V academic buildings. The relocation of the stairs near the V building has been completed by almost 80%. There will be a new pavement, a ramp, everything will be updated and beautiful», says Volodymyr Kraiovskyi, Vice-Rector for Training and Production, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The Vice-Rector added that the transition between the V and I academic buildings will also be changed.
«This area will be completely paved. There is an interesting project. The width of the sidewalk will be 3.5 meters. Benches and flower beds are planned. It will be a space where you can sit and relax», says Volodymyr Kraiovskyi.
The area in front of the I building will undergo significant changes. In fact, there will be a complete reconstruction, the engineering networks will be replaced.
«The area in front of the I building will be paved. But we are still looking for final solutions to what it should look like. There are suggestions to change the flower bed a bit. But I am against transplanting plants, because they can die (now is not the time for that). It is true that there will be no fountain in the middle of the square. I would like to put tables and benches there so that students can work, recharge their phones and laptops during the warm period. Electricity will be supplied», says Volodymyr Kraiovskyi.
Small changes have already taken place in the courtyard of the main building. In particular, the alley near the monument to Polytechnicians who died during the Second World War is connected with the alley leading to the XI academic building. The courtyard of the XI building will also undergo changes. Part of the lawn will be turned into a recreation area with benches and tables where students can relax or work.
«We are already completing the construction of another zone, which will appear in the middle of the alley leading from the main building to the XI. This is a round uphill, which is sown with grass. There will be benches and a recreation area», says Volodymyr Kraiovskyi.
All these works are carried out at the expense of the University. The University purchased paving stones within UAH 2 million. The staff also hired skilled workers who are engaged in such work.
It is planned to complete all these repairs by the end of the year.