Employees of the Lviv Polytechnic R&D Department held a seminar on improving the scientific and innovative activities at the University for more than 120 Polytechnic students. The participants of the event were people responsible for the scientific and innovative activities at the Departments and heads of research institutions.
Ivan Demydov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research, Lviv Polytechnic, spoke about the experience of implementing scientific and innovative activities in innovative ecosystems of European universities, in particular using the example of Finland, from which he recently returned.
Roman Nebesnyi, head of the R&D Department, Lviv Polytechnic, presented to the audience the structure of the scientific and innovation ecosystem of Lviv Polytechnic National University, in particular he emphasized personnel issues, remuneration and the need to introduce a culture of intellectual property rights among the Polytechnicians.
Olena Lukachuk, researcher at the R&D Department, outlined the development of innovative activity through cooperation with business and called on Polytechnicians to participate in exhibitions, thematic meetings, and cooperate with specialized clusters, chambers of commerce and business associations. She also spoke about the peculiarities of the Innovation Hub, an innovative model of informal education for young people, and other structural divisions of the University.
Oleh Sokil, Deputy Director of the business innovation center «Tech StartUp School» informed those present about the activities of the StartUp School and the Science Park, Lviv Polytechnic, as well as the opportunities for Polytechnic students in these institutions: training, mentoring, use of equipment, work in laboratories, participation in projects and competitions, etc.
Thank you all for the joint meeting and support for the development of scientific and innovative activities at Lviv Polytechnic!