Extended cooperation: DTEK Academy and Lviv Polytechnic University continued the partnership agreement

Nataliia Pavlyshyn, Audytoriya weekly newspaper
фото підписання угоди  про партнерство між Академією ДТЕК і Львівською політехнікою

The history of effective cooperation between DTEK Academy and University has been going on for almost seven years. During this time, reliable and comprehensive cooperation has been worked out.

Director of DTEK Academy Yevhen Bondarenko and Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University Professor Yurii Bobalo took part in the ceremony of re-signing the agreement.

According to DTEK Academy, they make every effort to ensure that students and graduates of the great technical university of western Ukraine have the opportunity to apply their professional skills at the DTEK enterprises.

One of the priority tasks Academy takes upon itself is to support the University’s initiatives as much as possible and facilitate the rapprochement of students’ theoretical and practical knowledge.

підписання угоди  про партнерство між Академією ДТЕК і Львівською політехнікою підписання угоди  про партнерство між Академією ДТЕК і Львівською політехнікою