The competition for young scientists and students from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2024 is open

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Every year in February, the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine awards fourteen prizes for young scientists and fourteen prizes for students of higher education institutions for work in the field of natural, technical, social and human sciences. Prizes are awarded to individual authors or a group of authors for the best scientific works, as well as for a series of scientific works on one topic, for discoveries and inventions.

Researchers, academic staff, research interns, postgraduate students and students under the age of 35 of scientific research institutions and institutions of higher education, as well as postgraduate students and students of foreign countries studying in scientific institutions and institutions of higher education of Ukraine can participate in the competition.

The right to nominate candidates for awards is granted, in particular, to Academic Boards of scientific institutions and institutions of higher education.

The deadline for submitting works to the competition is December 15, 2024.

For more details, visit the website of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.