Business and academic resilience to support the Ukrainian crisis response in the Baltics

Project Baltics4UA
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An interactive session to share examples and reflections among experts and participants. Date: 11/04/2023, 9h30–11 CET. Duration: 1h30.

  • How can the business sector promote resilience in response to the Ukrainian crisis in the Baltic region?
  • Are there examples of cooperation between business and academic worlds for this common purpose?
  • What are the pitfalls and opportunities in business-academia cooperation to tackle the humanitarian crisis of the Ukrainian war in the Baltics?

The event is addressed to stakeholders from business, academia, civil society and policy making, from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Europe more broadly

The panel is composed by

  • Mārcis Miķelsons-Germs (Latvia, Stopify);
  • Oleksandr Pavlenko (Lithuania – Ukraine, Choizy);
  • Ganna Tron (Lithuania, Unibbudy Platform Coordinator at Vytautas Magnus University);
  • Mantas Našlėnas (Lithuania, Fidum);
  • Kadri Tiisvelt (Estonia, Garage48).

Please register here.

The Erasmus+ project, Baltics4UA (Supporting Ukraine through citizen engagement at Baltic Universities), aims to enhance Baltic universities’ social responsibility through civic engagement actions to address the current Ukrainian humanitarian crisis in the Baltics. Baltics4UA focuses on the need to empower higher education institutions (HEIs) to support active citizenship within formal education, while answering the need of Ukrainian refugees to continue their learning and life journey in the Baltics or in Ukraine.

Baltics4UA is funded under the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships program. Project Number: 2022-2-EE01-KA220-HED-000096422.

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