On October 11, 2022, the 4th International Scientific Conference on Advanced Polymer Materials and Technologies was held at the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies.
The organizers of the event are the Department of Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing, Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design.
The purpose of the conference is:
- to popularize scientific achievements in the field of processing of polymer and composite materials and chemical fibers;
- to exchange experience between representatives of related institutions of higher education, scientific institutions, enterprises and the business community;
- to discuss the problems of training specialists for the light and chemical industry of Ukraine in wartime conditions.
The conference covered a wide range of issues:
- Innovative technologies of polymer materials and related industries
- Promising technologies of chemical fibers and textile materials
- Polymers in Pharmacology
- Biopolymers and Biotechnology
- Ecology and technologies of environmental protection
This year's conference was held in a mixed format. The event brought together researchers from leading universities and research institutions of Ukraine, Slovakia, Italy, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, and China, which confirmed the international status of the conference and its importance for the development of the fields of creation of composite polymer materials and their processing into products for various purposes.
The program and presentation materials can be found on the conference website.