The national final of the international video pitch competition Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge 2022 Ukraine has ended. 7 teams – residents of the Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University, took part in it.
According to the results of the competition, the following teams became the winners in the nominations.
- Creative category:
- SaveArtUA – Iryna Krechkovska and Mykola Kryvyi (Ukrainian Catholic University);
SaveArtUA is a charitable foundation that collects information about cultural monuments destroyed during the war in Ukraine and organizes fundraising for their restoration.
- SaveArtUA – Iryna Krechkovska and Mykola Kryvyi (Ukrainian Catholic University);
- Digital category:
- SKit – Angelina Nedoshytko (Lviv Polytechnic National University);
SKIt is an application for time management of winter sports during training and competitions.
- SKit – Angelina Nedoshytko (Lviv Polytechnic National University);
- Social category:
- Check It – Hanna Shcherba, Nazar Dushko, Vasyl Chukhilevych and Mykhailo Ivashchuk (National University of Ostroh Academy);
Check it is an educational game aimed at increasing the level of media literacy; this project is a good opportunity for teachers to stimulate students to analyze and critically evaluate information.
- Check It – Hanna Shcherba, Nazar Dushko, Vasyl Chukhilevych and Mykhailo Ivashchuk (National University of Ostroh Academy);
- Public Choice winner:
- Robota v tyly – Artur Fedorenko and Dmytro Maksymov;
Robota v tylu is a platform for the volunteer movement, with the support of which you can establish a process of help exchange
- Robota v tyly – Artur Fedorenko and Dmytro Maksymov;
- National Champion:
- SaveArtUA – Iryna Krechkovska and Mykola Kryvyi (Ukrainian Catholic University).
Tech StartUp School congratulates the winners, expresses its gratitude to everyone for their participation and incredible ideas, and have every confidence in further fruitful cooperation!