Introductory Information About Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies

Area of training Admission tests Major
Philology (PhL) Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, foreign language Applied Linguistics
System Analysis (SА) Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics Decision-Making Systems and Methods
Computer Sciences (CS) Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics Information Control Systems and Technologies
Information Design Technologies
System Engineering
Intelligent Decision-Making Systems
Software Engineering (SE) Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics System Software
Softaware Engineering
Printing and Publishing (PP) УUkrainian language and literature, mathematics, physics Computerized Technologies and Systems of Printing and Publishing Industry
Специфічні категорії (після отримання вищої освіти за ОКР бакалавр, спеціаліст чи магістр)   Project Management

Certificates are obligatory.

Programs of admission tests on general subjects correspond to the programs of secondary schools.

Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies (ICSIT) of Lviv Polytechnic National University conducts preparation of a highly qualified specialists to meet current and future needs of the society. It is one of the most powerful in Lviv Polytechnic National University. There are six departments that are the main structural components of the Institute:

  • Automated Control Systems department;
  • Systems and Networks department;
  • Information Technologies of Publishing;
  • Applied Linguistics department;
  • Software department;
  • Computer Aided Design Systems department.

The academic process at the departments is maintained by the faculty of more than 200 academics, out of whom 27 are professors, 24 are doctors and 83 hold Ph.D. degree. Material and technical facilities for training professionals include 24 computer laboratories and 3 research laboratories, equipped with modern hardware and software. Free Internet access is provided. Educational process is organized in two forms – full-time and part-time and extra-mural whereas admission to external studies is also possible. Educational services for foreigners are provided at all educational-proficiency levels on a contract basis. The Institute also includes a graduate and a doctoral school for training skilled scientific personnel. The Institute is the member of the Microsoft academic alliance and provides the development of Microsoft technologies and other leading companies. Graduates of the Institute can work at research, development, manufacturing, designing, commercial, advisory, banking institutions, both state-owned and privately held institutions; at insurance and brokerage companies, international companies and their branch offices; at organizations engaged in administrative, social, economic, and political activities, in the field of culture, ecology, medicine, etc., that is, at any institution where computer systems and information technologies are implemented. Bachelor’s degree is awarded after having completed a four year course of professional training at the University. Master’s qualification (first academic degree) is awarded to Bachelors after one and a half years of learning. The candidates qualifying for this degree undergo an in-depth theoretical training and they should have a disposition for scientific work and research.

Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies offers student programmes leading to Bachelor’s Degree in the following fields:

6.020303 “Philology”

  • Applied Linguistics;

6.040303 “System analysis”

  • System Analysis;

6.050101 “Computer Sciences”

  • Information Control Systems and Technologies;
  • Information Design Technologies;
  • System Engineering;
  • Intelligent Decision-Making Systems;

6.050103 “Software Engineering”

  • System Software;
  • Software Engineering;

6.051501 “Видавничо-поліграфічна справа”

  • комп’ютеризовані технології та системи видавничо-поліграфічних виробництв.

Field of training Computer Sciences

The first four years of training in the Computer Sciences allow to get basic higher education and qualification of the Bachelor. Basic higher education provides profound knowledge in the major, in particular in the field of information and computer technologies. Bachelor degree allows graduates to work at primary positions of engineers and technicians.

Qualification of the bachelor of computer sciences is awarded after four years of training on the condition of thorough mastering the disciplines of three educational blocks:

  • Humanitarian and Social-Economic Disciplines: Foreign Language, History of Ukraine, Business Ukrainian, Ukrainian and Foreign Culture, Fundamentals of a Constitutional Law of Ukraine, Religious Studies, Ecology, Life Safety Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Economic Theory, Political Studies, Psychology and Pedagogics;
  • Fundamental Studies: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Theory of Signals, Physics, Programming, Basis of Electrical Equipment and Electronics, Engineering Graphics, Circuitry of Computers, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Physicist of Semiconductors, Mathematical Bases of Coding, Mathematical Theory of Information, System Programming and Operating Systems, Basis of the System Analysis of Objects and Processes of a Computerization, Theory of Probability, Automated Design of Difficult Objects and Systems, Business Economics;
  • Professionally-Oriented Disciplines: Problem-oriented Programming Languages; Licensing, Certification and Copyright in Computer Information Technologies, Methods and Means of Computer Information Technologies; Computer Information Systems; Computer Networks; Organization of Databases and Knowledge; Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Systems Design; Labor Protection Fundamentals. Selective disciplines of Higher Educational Institutions: Theoretical Fundamentals of Management, Object-oriented Programming, Modeling of Systems, Mathematical Methods of Research of Operations, Probabilistic Processes in the Automated Systems, Fundamentals of Management of Economic and Social Systems, Basis of the Theory of Reliability, the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Fundamentals of Knowledge Representation, Computer Graphics.

Choosing the field of “Computer sciences” students gain sufficient knowledge of: computerized systems operation, including data processing computer systems and management of information and analytical systems, information design systems, artificial intelligence systems, automated system, software and computer systems, intelligent data processing and decision-making systems. They are able to provide technical and economical argumentation and technical tasks and also be competent in such fields as: the principles of modern automated systems foundation and architecture; methods of construction and analysis of typical data and knowledge bases models, complex objects and systems; system and application software systems development methods for automated systems for various purposes; high-level programming languages (JAVA, DELPHI, C++); typical computer systems (Microsoft Office, Paradox, Adobe Page Maker, PhotoShop, Corel Draw), methods of analysis and construction of data processing typical models in business, management and entrepreneurship; methods of software designing for financial and banking system; software for the management and marketing tasks, multimedia systems construction. Modern technical systems and license software are used during the educational process. Masters are the main reserve of the high qualified staff training — Ph. D.s and Doctors of Science. Main modules of masters training: Toolware and technologies of information networks: telecommunication and computer networks; computer networks software; modern programming technologies; distributed databases; progressive information technologies and systems; computer networks information security; information technologies and systems design; means of intellectualization of information and analytical systems; hypertext systems; visualization of submission of information and cognitive graphics; the formalized language model for information technologies.

Abilities and practical skills which are received by graduates:

  • work at the level of computer networks users;
  • • work at the level of Internet users and use of its information resources;
  • development of WEB PAGES and WEB SERVERS;
  • administration of relational DBMS (ORACLE, MS SQL SERVER);
  • development of software products on the basis of CASE-technology;
  • system administration in UNIX and MS Windows Server OS.

On the basis of these tools masters will gain experience:

  • software and information systems design;
  • design of information technologies, including an application of artificial intelligence techniques;
  • creation of information and analytical systems and centers;
  • development of software products for providing systems of society informatization;
  • development of algorithmic models of the studied processes.

The final stage of masters training — master's thesis on the chosen majors defense.

Software engineering

Software Engineering is a science which deals with the principles and methodology of software systems development and maintenance. It studies the usage of the systematic, ordered and specific approach to software (SW) development, operation and maintenance, as well as the usage of engineering principles for the software development process. Nowadays, software systems are ubiquitous: almost any electronic device contains some type of software. It is impossible to imagine industry, schools, universities, health care systems, financial and government institutions without the appropriate software in the modern world. Many people use software for self-education, entertainment, etc. In technical systems, the cost of software is often the major part of the product price. Today, programming industry is one of the most prospective and dynamic sectors in the world and Ukrainian economy. The forecasts of the economic development of this field are constrained by the qualified personnel insufficiency. Therefore, training specialists in software engineering focused on effective software development process organization, technological principles of industrial software systems development implementation is of high priority today. Areas of professional activity of graduates:

  • Software systems development industry and economy;
  • Business sector where software systems and information technologies are used;
  • Custom programming and software outsourcing;
  • Development of competitive software for financial, industrial, telecommunication economy sectors, education, health care, entertainment industry, trade enterprises, government institutions, defense industry, etc.
The main tasks of Bachelor’s professional activity are:
  • Software development using algorithmic languages;
  • Collection and analysis of input data for software design;
  • Conducting feasibility study of the proposed design solutions in conceptual programming;
  • Developing algorithms for solving problems in accordance with the existing technical tasks;
  • Using Internet and Web technologies during the implementation of distributed information systems;
  • Applications and software systems installations, software and hardware customization and maintenance;
  • Development of design and working documentation, finished projects design;
  • Verification of software solutions, control of projects and technical documentation conformity to the standards, technical conditions and other regulations;
  • Using standards and program documentation quality control methods.
Specialists in software engineering must possess the following knowledge and skills:
  • Structural decomposition of tasks and creating operational plans of work for industrial units during software projects realization;
  • Content, terms, cost and quality, human resources, software development risks management;
  • Software testing at the module, integration and system levels oriented on formal specifications, data flows, terms of use, liability testing and performance;
  • роDeveloping project technical documentation, designing completed projects, documenting.
The future professionals study the following disciplines:
  • Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithmic Languages;
  • Introduction to Software Engineering;
  • Creation and Analysis of Algorithms;
  • Operating Systems;
  • Distributed Computing;
  • Databases;
  • безпека програм і даних;
  • архітектура комп’ютера;
  • тестування і забезпечення якості програмних систем;
  • конструювання програмного забезпечення;
  • командний проект з програмної інженерії;
  • економіка програмної інженерії;
  • основи кар’єри в програмній інженерії;
  • розподілені об’єктні технології;
  • розроблення розподілених застосувань баз даних;
  • основи проектування веб-застосувань;
  • програмування інтернет-застосувань;
  • менеджмент проектів програмного забезпечення.


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