History of the Computer Science and Information Technologies Institute

In 2007/2008 academic year in the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies the new major “Software engineering” was implemented.

Five departments ensure training of highly qualified specialists for present and future society needs:

  • Automated Control Systems Department;
  • Information Systems and Networks Department;
  • Department of Information Technology Publishing;
  • Department of Applied Linguistics;
  • Software Department;
  • Department of Computer-Aided Design.

More than 200 lecturers conduct learning process in the Departments. Among them are 16 professors, Sc. Ds and 76 Ph. Ds. The head of the Institute is Sc. D., Prof. O. Medykovskyi.

Material and technical resources of specialists training are 24 computer classes and 2 specialized computer laboratories (5 computer classes) equipped with up-to-date technique and software. Students have free Internet access.

In the Institute is developed and from 2005 successfully functions electronic informational and analytical system of learning process monitoring, that helps to use more effectively faculty potential , educational and methodical providing and material resources. The implementation of such a system gives a chance to plan qualitatively and in the organized way conduct studying process, introduce personal study paths for each student. Besides, the administration procedures of various documentation processing, educational work control and archival database formation simplified substantially.

Students of Computer Science and Information Technologies Institute receive basic high education in such major:

  • 6.050101 “Computer Sciences”;
  • 6.050103 “Sooftware Engineering”;
  • 6.051501 “Printing and Publishing”;
  • 6.020303 “Philology”.

Students that study “Computer sciences” get sufficient knowledge for computer systems usage, in particular computer systems of information processing and information-analytical system control, information system design, artificial intelligence systems and automated software systems, intellectual systems of information processing and decision-making. They can provide technical and economic reasoning and technical tasks, and also can be competent in such disciplines as principles of modern automated systems building and architecture; construction and analysis methods of typical database and knowledge, complex objects and systems; methods of system and application software for automated systems of various purposes; high level programming languages; typical computer systems.

From 2007 to 2008 new major “Software engineering” was introduced in the Computer Science and Information Technologies Institute.

The graduates of this major are experts in such fields as industry and economy of software systems development, business that uses software systems and informational technologies, custom programming and software outsourcing, development of competitive software for financial, industrial, telecommunication sectors of economy, education, health care, show business, trade companies, government institutions, defensive industry etc.

The main professional activity task of students that had chosen ‘Software Engineering’ as their major is working out of software in programming language; gathering and analysis of output data for software designing; conducting of technical and economical reasoning of the proposed design decisions in conceptual programming; development of algorithms for solving problems in accordance to the existing technical tasks; Internet services and Web technologies usage during distributed informational systems implementation; programs and software systems installation, setting and support of firmware; planning and operating documents development, making up ofcomplete design works; software decisions verification, correspondence control of the implemented projects and technical documents with standards, technical requirements and other normative documents; standards and methods of software documents quality control usage.

Experts in software engineering have such knowledge, skills and abilities as: structural decomposition of works and creation of efficient work plans for operating departments during software design realization; control of content, terms, value and quality, human resources, risks in software developing; usage of languages for describing architecture and interface, templates, notations, strategies and techniques of software design on the modular, integration, and system levels directed toward formal specifications, data flow, terms of reliability and efficiency using and testing; working out of planning technical documents, completed planning works and documents design.

Students that had chosen the direction ’Publishing and Printing’ receive the essential knowledge for circuit methods application in computer publishing systems design and operation; programming using such algorithmic languages as Pascal, C++, Prolog and such development frameworks as Delphi, DBMS Access etc; plan and exploit computer publishing systems, computer advertising and videodata processing systems; plan and run local computer nets; form expert systems of automated abstracting and texts translation; develop intellectual informational systems of publishing houses and typographies.

The Bachelor degree in “Publishing and Printing” gives the opportunity to continue study (during 1,5 year) by speciality “Computer technologies and publishing and typology systems”.

Experts in this speciality, according to received fundamental and specialized training, are able to provide professional fulfillment of such works as: design and service of text and graphic information processing automated systems; forming and operation of computer publishing systems; organization of multimedia complexes of publishing and printing systems operating; efficient video processing of information and creating of exclusive computer advertisement; design and operation of automated abstracting and text translation expert systems; repair and maintenance of offset printing equipment (copy machines, rizografs, printers, etc.); computer assembly; layout and editing of books and magazines production; installation and maintenance of system and application software for computer publishing systems; providing offset printing using local and global networks.

After 1.5 years of successful studying of career-oriented courses undergraduates receive specialist (engineer) qualification.

Undergraduates, who have inclination to scientific work and profound theoretical training receive master’s qualification (first scientific degree) after 1.5 years. Major ’Philology’ combines profound study of English and German, of general linguistic disciplines as well as computer science courses. It becomes possible to prepare experts for solution of a number of pressing issues in areas that involve the description and modeling of phonetic, grammatical, somatic and statistical structures of different types of texts, composing of dictionaries, developing of new methods of foreign languages and computer science teaching.

Specialists in major “Applied Linguistics” are important for practical work and research in the following areas: adequate transformation of texts into foreign language form (translation), selection of language material in order to improve language teaching and language testing methods, unification and standardization of scientific and technical terminology, lexicography, processing of various types of texts (scientific, technical, business, oral and written). The necessity for applied linguistics experts exists in such spheres as computerization of studying process, computerized translation and dictionaries, automatic methods of text information processing, linguistic software of information technologies, automation of information works, creation of informational search, automatic recognition and speech synthesis.

Undergraduates of Applied Linguistics in major “Philology” after four years of study thoroughly learn the disciplines of the three training sets: humanitarian, fundamental and professionally oriented. Undergraduates training is carried out in the laboratories and in the llinguaphone classrooms. Studying materials of the leading foreign publishers are used for the teaching of foreign languages. Graduates can perform practical works and research in the following areas: adequate transformation of texts into foreign language form (translation, including simultaneous and computerized translation) on the basis of two foreign languages (English, German or Japanese); unification and standardization of terminology, lexicography; selection of linguistic material in order to improve language teaching and language testing methods;automatic methods processing text information; linguistic support of information systems of various types; automation of information works, creation of informational search systems.

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