Еducation Process

The main objective of the education process of the Department is high-quality teaching of foreign languages based on innovative teaching methods. 

The education process at the Department is oriented towards improving the practical courses of foreign languages, ensuring their communicative orientation and mastering professionally-oriented language skills by students.

In practical classes teachers use innovative approaches to language training of future specialists. Multimedia technologies, interactive strategies and communicative methods used by the teachers contribute to acquiring B2 language competence level, being a standard for Bachelor’s degree.

On Specialties

The Department of Foreign Languages provides teaching foreign languages for students of Lviv Polytechnic National University of all specialties of Bachelor and Master courses. Teachers of the Department also provide training for postgraduate students, enabling them to use foreign languages in their future scientific and professional activities.

The teaching staff of the Department provides teaching of the following courses:

  • foreign language (for specific purposes);
  • foreign language (general);
  • foreign language (Latin);
  • foreign language of speciality;
  • professional foreign language;
  • foreign language of professional communication;
  • business foreign language;
  • the second foreign language (English, German, French, Japanese, Polish);
  • the theory and practice of translation;
  • practice in translation.

Education process is conducted in accordance with the curricula and syllabi of the relevant courses.

Students with high level of foreign languages competences complete their university education with a defence of their theses in a foreign language.

The Ukrainian Language Unit for Foreign Students provides teaching of the course «Ukrainian as a foreign language» for foreign students in I-VII semesters (702 academic hours) and for foreign postgraduate students of the first year of study (240 academic hours).

Other opportunities

The ability to communicate in English creates conditions for the harmonious development of a professional and contributes to the future employment in the international labor market. It is believed that the foreign language study is the most effective in the natural language environment. The Department of Foreign Languages in cooperation with the US Peace Corps in Ukraine implements joint projects such as co-op English classes, elective courses, among which there are Film and Music, Preparation for Exchange Programs for Students, Leadership, and Summer Language School. On the basis of Polytechnic-2, educational and recreational camp, which is located in Slavs'ke village students not only improve their communicative skills in English, but also take a good rest.

The level of language training of the students is proved by the fact that the University graduates successfully work in the specialty not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

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