Academic achievements of students

Activities of the scientific-discussion group «FINANCIER»

General Information

The student research and discussion group «Financier» was created on the initiative of enthusiastic students and teachers of the Department of Finance, who set a constant rhythm of life. Coherence in thoughts, views, and opinions always prevails between members of the circle.


• Members of the circle: graduates of bachelor's and master's levels who work on individual research tasks in academic disciplines taught at the Department of Finance.

• The purpose of the scientific circle: attracting talented young people to the field of scientific activity, creating conditions for students to participate in scientific work, and improving skills in independent research.

• Tasks of the scientific circle: revealing the abilities of students in different areas of scientific activity; formation of creative personality; assistance in solving specific problems that are at the present stage of development under the guidance of teachers; acquisition by students of experience in the organization and participation in scientific work, in particular in conferences, meetings, round tables, forums.

Among the participants of the scientific-discussion group "Financier" are winners of Olympiads, competitions of scientific works, conferences, round tables and more. They organize trainings, scientific parties, interview famous and successful people. All this enriches their knowledge, contributes to the comprehensive development and acquisition of the necessary professional qualities.

The head of the circle Urikova O.M. - Associate Professor of Finance, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Scientific consultants - scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Finance.

 Venue: st. Mytropolyta Andrew, 5, IV e.b., Department of Finance.


Achievements of members of the research circle

Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2023)

81st Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place in subsection "Current issues of public finance management": student gr. FB-44 Kateryna NOVAK, supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Oleksiy POBURKO);

1st place in subsection "Problems of financial market development": student gr. FBSS-11z Yuliana MYSKO, supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Oksana URIKOVA);

1st place in subsection "Features and prospects of corporate finance": student gr. FB-31 Volodymyr KOLOMIETS, supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Olha KOTS).


81st Student Scientific and Technical Conference INEM. (Stage II).

In the top ten theses of reports on INEM:


- student of gr. FB-31 Volodymyr KOLOMIETS (Theme of the report: The experience of the EU member states in public-private partnership in the development of railway communication, taking into account the goals of sustainable development; Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Olha KOTS);

- student of gr. FBSS-11z Yuliana MYSKO (Theme of the report: Research on the transformation of digitalization of the world market of financial and insurance services; Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Oksana URIKOVA);

- student of gr. FB-44 Kateryna NOVAK (Theme of the report: Prospects for the development of hedge funds in Ukraine; Scientific adviser - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Oleksiy POBURKO).


Winners of international and national competitions of student research papers (2023):

 1. Dariya ADAMENKO – All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty "Financial Ecosystem" in the 2022/2023 academic year, – Stage 2 – ІІ place, Diploma of the 2nd degree;

2. Solomiya PAPIRNYK – X International competition of student scientific works "Credit and banking system: history, modernity and development prospects", – Stage 2 – ІІ place, Diploma of the 2nd degree;

3. Yuriy OLIYNYK – All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties (specializations) in 2022/2023 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management, Specialty "Finance and Credit", – Stage 1 – І place, Diploma of the 1st degree;

4. Yuliana MYSKO – All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties (specializations) in 2022/2023 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management, Specialty "Finance and Credit", – Stage 1 – ІІ place, Diploma of the 2nd degree;

5. Yuriy YUSHKYK – All-Ukrainian competition for student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties (specializations) in 2022/2023 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management, Specialty "Finance and Credit", – Stage 1 – ІIІ place, Diploma of the 3rd degree.


Students receiving awards (2023):

1. Oliynyk Yuriy Bohdanovych – Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (01.09.2023 - 30.06.2024).


Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2022)

80th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place: Student gr. FBM-11 Antoshchuk I.A. (subsection "Current issues of public finance management", supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance Khoma I.B.);

2nd place: Student gr. FBM-11 Papirnyk S.E. (subsection "Problems of financial market development", supervisor - Ph.D., Professor of Finance Partyn H.O.);

3rd place: Student gr. FB-32 Ryskalchuk A.O. (subsection "Features and prospects of corporate finance", supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Urikova O.M.).

80th Student Scientific and Technical Conference INEM. (Stage II).

The winner is a student of gr. FBM-11 Antoshchuk I.A. (Theme of the report: DGB (domestic government bonds) as a lever of influence on fiscal and monetary policy in Ukraine .; Scientific adviser - Doctor of Economics, Prof. Khoma I.B.)


Winners of international and national competitions of student research papers (2022):

 1. Kud A.O. – All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2021/2022 academic year, Specialty "Entrepreneurship", – Stage 2 – ІІ place, Diploma of the 2nd degree.

2. Papirnyk S. Ye. – All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2021/2022 academic year, "Digitalization of the economy" specialty, – Stage 2 – І place, 1st degree diploma;

3. Podaryn A. R. – All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2021/2022 academic year, Specialization "Accounting and taxation", – Stage 2 – ІІІ place, Diploma of the 3rd degree;

Students receiving awards (2022):

  1. Skip Roksolana Andriivna – Academic scholarship of the President of Ukraine for students of higher education institutions (01.09.2022 - 31.12.2022).
  2. Antoshchuk Illya Anatoliyovych – Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (01.09.2022 - 30.06.2023).


Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2021)

79th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place: Student gr. FBM-11 Antoshchuk I.A. (subsection "Current issues of public finance management", supervisor - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance Khoma I.B.);

2nd place: Student gr. FBM-11 Papirnyk S.E. (subsection "Problems of financial market development", supervisor - Ph.D., Professor of Finance Partyn H.O.);

3rd place: Student gr. FB-32 Ryskalchuk A.O. (subsection "Features and prospects of corporate finance", supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of Finance Urikova O.M.).

79th Student Scientific and Technical Conference INEM. (Stage II).

The winner is a student of gr. FBM-11 Antoshchuk I.A. (Theme of the report: DGB (domestic government bonds) as a lever of influence on fiscal and monetary policy in Ukraine .; Scientific adviser - Doctor of Economics, Prof. Khoma I.B.)


Winners of international and national competitions of student research papers (2021):

 1. Vasylyuk T.V. – All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on the specialization «Finance and Credit», – Stage 2 – ІІІ place,  3rd degree diploma;

2. Antoshchuk I.A. – 79th Student Scientific and Technical Conference Lviv Polytechnic National University, – Stage 2 – І place, Diploma of the Lviv Polytechnic National University;

3. Karda A.I., Kolosovska I.V., Kuzyk N.V., Koval I.M. – Monetary policy: challenge of the NBU to universities, – Stage 1 – certificate of participation;

4. Kud A. - International competition of student research papers «Black Sea Science 2021», – Stage 1 – certificate of participation;

5. Lyukova V.R. – All-Ukrainian competition of scientific papers «Socially responsible business management - a component of sustainable development» on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, – Stage 2 – certificate of participation.


Students receiving awards (2021):

1. Vasylyuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna – Diploma of the 3rd degree of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in the discipline «Finance and Credit» (06.04.2021 - 07.04.2021).


Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2020):

78th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place: Antoshchuk I.A. Topic: "The interdependence of inflation and the size of the discount rate of the NBU in 2020", head of Ph.D., Assoc. Bondarenko L.P.

2nd place: Skip R.A. Topic: "Analysis of the results of national enterprises", head of Ph.D., Assoc. Skoropad I.S.

3rd place: Savulyak V.M. Topic: "Problems and prospects for the development of the insurance market of Ukraine in the context of European integration", Head of Ph.D., Assoc. Kondrat I.Yu.


Winners of international and national competitions of student research papers (2020):

1. Motorya K.V. - VII International competition of student research papers "Credit and banking system: history, modernity and prospects for development";

2. Gomenyuk V.V. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance", specialization "Financial Security";

3. Prokopets N.S. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance", specialization "Insurance";

4. Kud А.О. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" specialization "Banking", I place;

5. Tarabinovich A.B. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" specialization "Banking", III place;

6. Drala R.I. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" in the specialization "Finance and Credit";

7. Motorya K.V. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" specialization "Finance and Credit", III place;

8. Yarmoshuk A.Yu. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration", specialty 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" in the specialization "Finance and Credit";

9. Vryashnyk A.V. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on the specialization "Insurance";

10. Monetary policy: a challenge to the NBU universities - competition of student research teams: (team members: Hryhoruk G.Yu., Kud A.O., Kuzovkin A.I., Lyukova V.R., Nevynyak O.A., Papirnyk S .Ye., Pelynjo P.P., Savulyak V.M., Yushcyk Y.V.).


Scholarships and awards (2020)

1. Tarabinovych Antonina Bogdanovna - award of the regional state administration and regional council;

2. Kud Anastasia Orestivna - award of the regional state administration and regional council;

3. Motorya Kateryna Vadymivna - scholarship of the President of Ukraine.


Foreign business trips (under the double degree program) (2020)

1. Dokolyasa Anastasia Tarasivna (Distance learning according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. 02.10.2020 - 25.12.2020);

2. Kokoeiko Olesya Serhiivna (Distance learning according to the program of double diplomas. S. Stashits Mining and Metallurgical Academy. 02.10.2020 - 25.12.2020);

3. Guzar Vasyl Ivanovych (Distance learning according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. 02.10.2020 - 25.12.2020);

4. Ferents Ilya Mykolayovych (Distance learning according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy named after S. Stashits. 02.10.2020 - 25.12.2020);

5. Yushchyk Yuriy Volodymyrovych (Participation in the International Scientific Conference remotely with a report (Krakow-Lviv-Kyiv). Krakow University of Economics. 11.12.2020 - 11.12.2020).

Total student publications for 2020: 26 articles, 66 abstracts.


Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2019):

77th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place: Martyniuk D.Ya. Topic: "Risks of cryptocurrency and methods of their regulation", head of Ph.D., prof. Partyn G.O.

2nd place: Tarabinovich A.B. Topic: "Ways to improve bank transfers at the present stage of development of the domestic financial market, head of the Doctor of Economics, Prof. Khoma I.B.

3rd place: Nesplyak H.F. Topic: "Credit unions: advantages and disadvantages of activities in Ukraine", Head of Ph.D., Assoc. Skoropad I.S.


Winners of international and national competitions of student research papers (2019):

1. Seletskaya T.O. - International competition of student research papers "Credit and banking system: history, modernity and prospects for development", III place;

2. Prokopets N.S. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers on the specialization "Insurance";

3. Motorya K.V. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2018/2019 academic year, II place;

4. Karpenko A.O. - All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2018/2019 academic year.


 Foreign trips (under the double degree program) (2019)

1. Antoshchuk Ilya Anatoliyovych (cultural exchange and participation in solo concerts. Concerts, Torrevieja, Valencia, Rojales (Spain). August 28, 2019 - September 10, 2019);

2. Brenych Victoria Mikhailivna (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

3. Velychko Iryna Ihorivna (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

4. Huzar Vasyl Ivanovych (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). 30.09.2019 - 15.12.2019).

5. Didiv Stepan Ivanovych (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

6. Kravchuk Polina Yuriyivna (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

7. Mykhalchuk Vladislav Andreevich (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

8. Oliynyk Maryana Volodymyrivna (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

9. Roskina Anna Yuriyivna (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). February 25, 2019 - April 12, 2019).

10. Ferenc Ilya Mykolayovych (study according to the program of double diplomas. Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Krakow (Poland). 30.09.2019 - 15.12.2019).

11. Pelykh Vladyslav Oleksandrovych (internship within the framework of the agreement on student internship № 427-5-2019 dated March 18, 2019. Martrade Group, Dusseldorf (Germany). May 3, 2019 - May 18, 2019).

12. Velychko Iryna Ihorivna (internship under the Leopolis for Future program. JSC "Nest Bank", Warsaw (Poland). June 28, 2019 - August 25, 2019).


Total student publications for 2019: 21 articles, 74 abstracts.


Winners of the student scientific and technical conference (2018).

76th Student Scientific and Technical Conference of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" of the section "Economics and Management" of the subsection "Finance, Banking and Insurance". (Stage I).

1st place: Dyakiv P.I. Topic: "Problems and prospects for the development of health insurance in Ukraine", Head of Ph.D., Assoc. Kondrat I.Yu.

2nd place: Husar V.I. Topic: "Features of the IGLBs market in Ukraine", the head of Art. off Poznyakova O.I.

3rd place: Haidin O.D. Topic: "The principle of the outstretched hand" as the main method of control over pricing in business associations ", head of the Doctor of Economics, Prof. Bondarchuk M.K.


Winners of all-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers and competitions:

1. Roskina A.Yu. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance" specialization "Insurance", III place;

2. Handzyuk Yu.O. - II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in natural, technical and human sciences in the specialty "Money, Finance and Credit", III place;

3. Pendrak Z.V. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Financial Management", II place;

4. Pysmennyy O.V. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty "Banking", II place.


Scholarships and awards (2018)

1. Pysmennyy Oleksiy Volodymyrovych - scholarship of the President of Ukraine.


Foreign business trips (according to the program of double diplomas) (2018)

• Batyuk M.S. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the company "KPMG Sp. Z o.o." (Warsaw) for the period from 02.07.2018 to 29.08.2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of MT).

• Pysmennyy O.V. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the company "KPMG Sp. Z o.o." (Warsaw) for the period from 02.07.2018 to 29.08.2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of MT).

• Woznyak T.S. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the company "Nest Bank SA" (Warsaw) for the period from July 2, 2018 to August 29, 2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of MT).

• Khoma I.M. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the company "Nest Bank SA" (Warsaw) for the period from 02.07.2018 to 29.08.2018, undergraduate practice on the topic of MT).


Total student publications for 2018: 16 articles, 61 abstracts.


Winners of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads (2017):

1. Blahiy  A.S. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Finance", II place;

2. Handzyuk Yu.O. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Finance and Credit", II place;

3. Rusiyan A.V. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Financial Management", III place;

4. Tkachuk G.S. - II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "Banking", III place.


Foreign business trips (according to the program of double diplomas) (2017)

• Rusiyan A.V. (International internship within the project "Leopolis for future" in the company "Mezzanine management Poland Sp. Z o.o." (Warsaw). Undergraduate practice on the topic of MDR. 06/28/2017 - 10/31/2017).

• Pistun H.I. (International internship at Lely international NV (Maassluis, Netherlands), Netherlands (№ 450-1 / B-10 dated 10.03.2017. 01.04.2017 –30.06.2017)). (winner - 1st place).

• Markiv I.V. (Internship at Diamond FMS B.V. Kyiv, Ukraine). (winner - 2nd place).

• Bikanova K.V. (Scholarship program Tomorrow. UA of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Kyiv. 01.12.2016 - 01.02.2017; 02.02.2017 - 01.03.2017; 02.03.2017 - 30.04.2017)


Total student publications for the year: 6 articles, 76 abstracts.

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