Eu Global Responsible Leadership: Climate Change, Environmental Protection And Humanitarian Aid.

Yaryna Turchyn - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Director of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, scientific consultant and academic coordinator of the project.
Phone number(s)
(032) 258-21-89
(067) 927-59-72

Project number: 101126654 — EU_LEAD — ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH

Project duration: 36 month (06.10.2023 – 05.10.2026)

Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

EU funding program: Erasmus+ program, Jean Monnet direction, module supported by the European Neighborhood Instrument.

Project budget: 30 000 euro.

Coordinator:  Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The aim of introducing a new interactive interdisciplinary course in European studies is to study approaches to understanding the global leadership of the European Union and to interpret this role of the Community through the prism of three key dimensions, namely: the promotion of climate values, environmental protection, and humanitarian aid.

Goals of the project:

  • spreading knowledge about the EU as a global leader and European integration topics in general at the level of interested focus groups (students, teachers, schoolchildren, government practitioners, public organizations, etc.);
  • formation of students' comprehensive knowledge about the global responsible leadership of the EU in the field of promotion of climate values, environmental protection and provision of humanitarian aid with the projection of the power of the Union to overcome/mitigate the consequences in Ukraine caused by the Russian aggressor on the way to its EU membership;
  • development of students' practical skills through understanding the content and implementation mechanisms of important EU policies and programs in these areas, as well as the involvement of practitioners in the implementation of the project;
  • improvement of teaching methods of European studies with the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders (including foreign ones), as well as through synergy with other Erasmus+ projects and wide popularization of best practices.