Aim and Objectives

AURORA will create a compelling digital identity artwork by analyzing the art piece's deep layers of chemical composition (insensible to superficial alterations), permanently and unalterably stored, to improve cultural heritage management using a stable physical-to-digital identity connection.

AURORA aims to demonstrate the feasibility of a non-destructive and efficient, cost-effective, practical solution for the artwork authenticity verification process and track, paving the way for an advanced non-invasive art piece countermeasure system against illegal activities targeting cultural heritage.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. To develop a non-destructive anticounterfeiting marker based on advanced chemical and spectroscopy technologies to identify cultural heritage art pieces, preventing illegal trafficking uniquely.
  2. Providing a miniaturized device enabling the traceability of cultural goods artworks using wireless sensor network technology.
  3. Delivering a robust and simple artwork authenticity verification digital tool exploiting blockchain-based solutions to prevent unintentional or illegal artwork digital identity data alteration.
  4. Validating the AURORA protection, identification, and traceability innovation package on authentic artifacts.
  5. To increase awareness among stakeholders on methods and tools to prevent artwork illicit trafficking, stealing, and destruction, tackling cultural heritage identity memory destruction.
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