Artwork Unique RecognitiOn and tRacking through chemicAl encoded data, miniaturized devices and blockchain alliance

Project Coordinator: Nataliya Chukhray, DSc (Econ.), Professor
Project Manager: Nazariy Andrushchak, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Phone number(s)
+38 (032) 258 24 55


Grant Agreement Number: 101094245
Project Full Title: Artwork Unique RecognitiOn and tRacking through chemicAl encoded data, miniaturized devices and blockchain alliance
Project Acronym: AURORA
Type of action: HORIZON-RIA
Granting authority: European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Start date of the project: 01 January 2023
Duration: 36 months
E.U. Contribution: 3,466,354.00 Euro

The AURORA project wants to demonstrate how chemical marking, miniaturized devices, art deep-scan techniques, and cloud and blockchain-based platforms can be combined to create a cost-effective, non-destructive, and non-invasive countermeasure against illegal activities while preserving artifacts.

The technologies researched and implemented in AURORA will converge in a digital tool, allowing relevant stakeholders, art dealers, curators, auction houses, logistic services, and enforcement agents to verify artwork authenticity and provenance easily, enabling art piece movement tracking.

In close collaboration with relevant cultural institution partners, AURORA will showcase real-setting applications to validate the proposed solutions' non-invasiveness, low cost, long-term stability, confidentiality, and data security features. In parallel, AURORA will foster technological democratization among cultural institutions by creating a knowledge bridge between technical competencies and cultural heritage professionals. Specific awareness-raising activities will demonstrate how the AURORA solutions can be a means to preserve cultural identity mixtures through cultural heritage preservation.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

