Project aim and goals

The aim of Welcome! project is to create up-to-date language educational tools for children of 10 - 14 years old who arrive in a new country with little previous knowledge of the local language and culture. Moreover, a guide will be created for teachers working in multicultural classrooms. The tools will be developed with the principles of integration, student-centered educational approach and the perseverance of the students’ well-being in mind.

The project will achieve the following goals, which will result in the following eliverables.

  1. Online language materials for learning Bulgarian, Czech and Polish for students with a migrant background who do not yet speak the language. These modules will help them achieve the A1 or A2 level of the new language with a asic introduction to the culture of the new country. 
  2. Multimedia guide for teachers containing proposals and information on various issues specific to working in a multicultural classroom. 
  3. An interactive educational platform containing all results of the project.
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