Kick-off meeting

The first transnational project meeting of the joint research project Welcome! took place in Brno (Czech Republic) on 17-18 January 2023. It was the perfect mix of intensive work, planning the next important steps, and team building for the project teams. 

The PELICAN language school hosted a meeting of 6 teams representing Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine), Web2Learn (Greece), Fundacja Wspierania Kultury i Języka Polskiego im. Mikołaja Reja (Poland), Fundacja Understanding (Poland), Language School "PELICAN" (Czech Republic) and Association of European Development (Bulgaria). 

The aim, objectives, expected results and deadlines for the project work packages were discussed. The types of work were formed and distributed among the project partners in accordance with the action plan. The requirements and format for organising ongoing reporting were approved. A schedule of online and offline meetings was adopted.

Lviv Polytechnic's participation as a project partner will allow it to act as an expert in assessing the quality of the results of the Welcome! project, an online learning platform for refugee children and teachers of multilingual classes.

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Оновлено 2 years тому