Research at the Department

Scientific researches are conducted within the framework of the scientific school “Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes of complex electric circuits and electrotechnical systems”. The staff of the department carry out research work on state-budget topics:

  • “Application of methods of macromodeling and diacoptics to the calculation of complex electrical engineering systems”;
  • “Development of methods of parallel algorithms for the calculation of dynamic processes of non-uniform electrical systems”;
  • “Creation of methods, algorithms and programs for mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes in electric power systems”;
  • “Models of parametric sensitivity in the theory of electromagnetic field”,“Field mathematical models and “Electrotechnical devices”;
  • “Development of computer methods for the analysis of electromagnetic processes in mobile environments”;
  • “Development of methodical and didactic principles of an automated system of training in electrical engineering disciplines with elements of artificial intelligence”;
  • “Development of diacotic methods for calculating dynamic regimes of power systems on parallel computing means”;
  • “Mathematical modeling of electric power systems and their elements in order to forecast their time characteristics”.

During the period of independence of Ukraine, the intensive training of scientific personnel of higher qualification was carried out intensively, which was facilitated by the active functioning of the created specialized Scientific Council for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses in electrical engineering disciplines, headed by the head of the department Prof. Stakh P.G. Within the framework of the scientific school, the department prepared four Doctors and 36 PhDs. During 2004-2007, 140 scientific works were published by the faculty members of the department, 45 of them in foreign publications, 61 reports were submitted at international conferences.

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