Research at the Department

Research areas − regional and local development, territorial development management

Research activities included:

  • generalization of the theoretical framework for strategic management of regional development;
  • analysis of normative legal support for the development and implementation of regional development programs and projects;
  • identification of problems arising in the process of strategic management of regional development in Ukraine;
  • substantiation of directions for improving the processes of development and implementation of regional development programs and projects;
  • development of practical recommendations for the development and implementation of regional development programs and projects.

Practical recommendations for the development and implementation of regional development programs and projects encompassed new conditions stipulated by decentralization processes, in particular the formation of unified territorial communities in Ukraine. 


The academic staff of the department participated in research within the framework of the complex scientific project of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine "Public Administration and Local Government" (DR - OK No. 0201U004833) in such research topics:

  1. "Theoretical and Applied Bases for Creating Conditions for the Effective Use of Competitive Advantages of the Regional Economy" (State Registration Number 0115U 001283). Deadline: 2015 – 2016;
  2. "Improvement of Local Economic Development Mechanisms" (State Registration Number 0118U000328). Deadline: 2018 – 2019;
  3. "State Stimulation of the Development of Unified Territorial Communities and their Capacity Increase" (State Registration Number 0119U100783). Deadline: 2019 – 2021.


The department has a Research Laboratory of Spatial Development of Territorial Communities and Territories (RL-68). It carries out research in the following areas: spatial development of territories; trends of socio-economic development; spatial economic development; rural development; socio-demographic, ecological, and economic development forecasts

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