List of Performed Works

List of performed works:

  1. Development of basics of laser technologies of periodic structures as elements of optoelectronic devices.
  2. Development of methods of forming of the 2D and 3D periodic structures, including photonic crystals, and analysis of their optical properties.
  3. Modeling of devices for optoelectronics and radio engineering with periodic structures and prediction of their performances.
  4. Architectonics and research of properties of periodic structures for the needs of modern photonics.
  5. Research of materials, components and development of devices for optical information and communication systems.
  6. Physical and mechanical processes in the heterogeneous environment and influence on them of external electromagnetic fields: experimental studies and modelling.
  7. Research of laser treatment modes of dental hard tissues.
  8. Application of laser methods and nanotechnologies in root canal treatment.
  9. Formation of elements of electronic circuits by application of metal nanoparticles using inkjet technology.
  10. Development of wavelength multi/demultiplexer based on concave diffraction grating for data transmission systems with polymer optical fibers.
  11. Resonance of plasmons and waveguide modes in nanostructures and their applications.
  12. Development of techniques for measurement of characteristics of materials and elements using photothermal methods. Research of characteristics of the optical, structural and bio-materials.
  13. Diagnostics of stress and defective conditions of the behavior of materials and structural elements under the complex influences.
  14. Development and creation of sensor elements based on diffraction nanocomposite gratings.
  15. Substantiation and experimental development of method of the nanolaser therapy of dentin hypersensitivity.
  16. Development of methodological principles of the technical diagnostics of materials and construction elements using fiber optic interferometers.
  17. Architectonics of micro- and nanostructures in conditions of optical diffraction and plasmon resonance for the needs of modern photonics.
  18. Portable system for video surveillance and monitoring of remote objects.
  19. Automatic passive scanning thermal detector.
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