List of Performed Works

List of performed works:

  1. Development of Rozklad (Schedule) information system for the automated schedule planning of classes and examination controls in higher educational institutions. This system provides a convenient interface for the user and visual presentation of schedule, automatic mode of tracing different conflict situations, such as overlap of classes of the same professor or in the same rooms, it also enables to show the schedule for educational groups, professors and departments and also to send formed schedule by e-mail. This system contains subsystems of forming accounting and analysis of the occupied rooms and presentation of schedule in Internet.
  2. Development of Klasteryzatsiia (Clusterization) package for the research on image decomposition, folding of image keys, indexing and searching for visual images according to keys. The package also contains the libraries of classes which implement author’s algorithms, functions and procedures; it enables to use the developed libraries for the creation of improved program complexes.
  3. Besides the local version, this package can be used as program service on a server. There is a possibility to realize a web-interface for data processing through the Internet global network since the package contains a kernel where all program realizations of algorithms, functions and procedures are localized, and the subsystems of image and image keys clusterization are intended only for interactive co-operation with the user.
  4. Development of algorithms and software for automation of microcontroller built-in real-time systems. The developed tools take into account the change in the technical characteristics of the hardware components in time, and therefore take into account the impact of hardware on the response time of critical functions. The developed software allows you to automate the testing of the built-in system and determine the appropriate periodicity of maintenance on the basis of syntactic analysis of microcontroller code and technical documentation of electronic components.
  5. Development of a comprehensive information-analytical system “ScienceLP” designed to automate the functions of organizing and managing research work and which is one of the components of an automated quality management system. The main functionalities of the system are: work with information directories, information input, searches and sorting according to the given parameters, formation of various reports and collection of statistical information.
Оновлено 4 years 7 months тому