Scientific and Technical Servises

  • Modern practices of optimizing the tax burden.
  • Study of the peculiarities of financing the health care system according to the insurance principle.
  • Evaluation of the economic efficiency of production.
  • Management of financial resources of enterprises.
  • Formation of the strategic controlling system.
  • Evaluation of the economic effect of the introduction of energy-saving technologies at the enterprise.
  • Estimating the economic effect of optimizing the company's costs.
  • Implementation of the model of integrated management of financial risks of the enterprise.
  • Evaluation of the economic effect of cost optimization of the enterprise, bank, insurance company.
  • Evaluation of the economic efficiency of production.
  • Development of the financial strategy of the enterprise, bank, insurance company.
  • Formation of a systematic approach to the calculation of enterprise costs.
  • Management of financial resources of the enterprise.
  • Diagnostics of the level of financial and economic security of enterprises.
  • Methods of strategic management of enterprise costs.
  • Cost minimization as a means of increasing the profitability of the business entity.
  • Anti-crisis program and formation of the financial management system of the enterprise.
  • Finances of territorial communities, banking, anti-crisis management of finances in conditions of uncertainty.
  • Digital financial instruments: prospects and risks of use.
  • Digitalization of fiscal space: theory and practice.
  • Debt financing of business entities: models and prospects for using stock market tools.
  • State management of investment activities.
  • The latest approaches to the analysis and assessment of the financial condition of banking institutions. Banking innovations.
  • Insurance management. Insurtech. Reinsurance. Insurance marketing. The financial system, the main directions of its restructuring.
  • The method of structural and functional diagnosis of the level of financial and economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of war.
  • Military bonds as a tool for financing state budget expenditures under martial law.
  • Financial regulation of investment activities of corporate structures.
  • Development of sustainable financing: experience and prospects.
  • Financial innovations and society.
  • Management of local finances in wartime conditions.
  • Development of financial inclusion.
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