Educational process of the department

The Department of photogrammetry and geoinformatics provides education of specialists according to a three-level education system: bachelor - master - doctor of philosophy. Education is implemented in the following specialties:

  • I Level of Higher Education (Bachelor) - specialty 193 Geodesy and land management;
  • II Level of Higher Education (Master) – educational professional programs "Geoinformation systems and technologies" and "Photogrammetry and remote sensing" of specialty 193 Geodesy and land management; 
  • ІІІ Level of Higher Education (postgraduate course) - specialty 193 Geodesy and land management.

The educational process at the Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics is focused on revealing and improving the creative individuality of each student. During their studies, students receive thorough knowledge of higher mathematics, physics, geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, geoinformation systems and computer technologies. They practice modern geodetic devices, geodata processing methods and methods of working in the environments of specialized information systems.

After completing the educational and professional program of the I (Bachelor) Level of Higher education, graduates can perform basic topographic and geodetic work, create topographic plans, digital terrain models and other cartographic products. They work in institutions and enterprises that use geoinformation technologies and automated technologies for processing and analyzing data from the remote sensing and UAVs.

Graduates of the II (Master) Level of Higher education of the educational professional program "Geoinformation Systems and Technologies" possess the theory and practice of creating and operating geoinformation systems, territory management, hardware and software, methods of geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, and remote sensing. Form databases and banks of geospatial data using instrumental geoinformation systems. Graduates of the educational professional program "Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing" process the data of the aerial survey of the earth's surface using modern digital technologies, create topographic and thematic plans and maps, monitoring the environment, ensure the maintenance of land and urban cadastres.

Students acquire highly professional practical skills while studying in general institute and department laboratories, which are equipped with the most modern geodetic devices, unmanned aerial vehicles and specialized software of leading domestic and foreign companies: Geosystema (Ukraine), Trimble, Leica Geosystem, ESRI, Pix4D, etc.

Consolidation of acquired program studies results takes place during educational and production practices in the laboratories of the department, educational bases of the institute in the city of Berezhany and urban-type settelment Skhidnytsia, and in different companies.

The best students have the opportunity to study and practice at leading European universities, to do internships abroad and to study at a Postgraduate course. Successful students of Master program, who speak foreign languages have the opportunity to study under double degree programs at universities in Germany and Poland.

The main courses of the department which students study in the fields of Photogrammetry and remote sensing and Geoinformation systems and technologies are:

  • for I Level of Higher Education (Bachelor):
  • Geoinformation systems and databases
  • Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • Digital imaging from a UAV
  • Laser scanning technologies
  • Interpretation and digital processing of aerospace images
  • Photogrammetric technologies in Geodesy, Cartography and Land management
  • Software for geomatics tasks
  • for II Level of Higher Education (Master):
  • Geomatics and Remote methods in the study of territories
  • Geoinformation systems and technologies in Geodesy, Cartography and Territory management
  • Applied geoinformatics
  • Applied photogrammetry
  • Aerospace imaging systems
  • Geoinformation analysis
  • Mathematical models of analytical and space photogrammetry
  • for ІІІ Level of Higher Education (Postgraduate course):
  • Photogrammetric technologies in Geodesy and Land management
  • Digital photogrammetry in engineering
  • Applied application of Remote sensing data
  • Research methods in Geodesy and Land management
  • Research seminar in the field of geodesy and Land management
  • Photogrammetry and Remote sensing in environmental monitoring


The department provides teaching of the following general courses in the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • for I Level of Higher Education (Bachelor):
  • Geoinformation systems and databases - for students of the 2nd year of the specialty 193 Geodesy and Land Management (44 students), 103 Earth Sciences (21 students), and the shortened training program for students of the specialty 193 Geodesy and Land Management (10 students)
  • Photogrammetry and remote sensing - for students of the 3rd year of the specialty 193 Geodesy and Land Management (43 students), and the shortened training program for students of the specialty 193 Geodesy and Land Management (9 students)
  • Photogrammetry and geoinformatics - for students of the specialty 103 Earth sciences (from 9 students)
  • for II Level of Higher Education (Master):
  • Geomatics and remote methods in the study of territories - for students of OPP specialty 193 Geodesy and land management (117 students)
  • Aerospace imaging systems and ERS - for students of the OPP specialty 103 Earth Sciences (43 students)
  • for ІІІ Level of Higher Education (Postgraduate course):
  • Modern methods and technologies of geodesy and land management
  • Research methods in geodesy and land management
  • Research seminar in the field of geodesy and land management
  • Applied application of remote sensing data
  • Photogrammetry and RS in environmental monitoring
  • Digital photogrammetry in engineering


Students are involved in scientific and research work, including the implementation of international scientific projects and the implementation of economic and contractual work.

The educational process at the department is provided by highly qualified scientists with national and international recognition, including 3 doctors of Science and 4 doctors of Philosophy.

In addition, on the basis of the Institute of Postgraduate Education our department organized advanced training courses in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Digital aerial photography from a UAV.

Also, on the basis of the department, the study group "Unmanned aerial vehicles" was organized for pupils of grades 9-11 at the Lviv Regional Small Academy of Sciences. The head of the study group is Professor V. Hlotov.

In the study group program:

  • construction of unmanned aerial vehicles;
  • areas of application of UAVs;
  • aerial photography from a UAV;
  • processing of cartographic data;
  • training of UAV operators.

More information about the study group in SAS.

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